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No one's POV
After a few hours Jin had woken up from his nap,that's when Yoongi and Joon decided to execute their plan.

"Jinnie! Cwn ywu 'old fhish stuffie!" Namjoon asked while passing Jin the ripped teddy.Jin just looked Joon and smiled.

That's when Namjoon started to cry.Jin wasn't sure with what's going on so he just looked at Namjoon confused.

Hobi came into the room gasping at the sight of the ripped Koya plushie and A crying Namjoon.

"Jinnie what have you done?!" Hobi said while crouching down to Joon's level

"Jinnie dwdn'y dw anyfing..." Jin replied still confused

"Jinnie wying! He wipped Koya!!" Joon screamed and continued to cry.

Hobi sighed and looked Jin "Please don't make this difficult and just apologise to Joon."

"But Jinnie dwdn't dw anyfing!" Jin tried to defend himself

"Jin, it's clearly obvious that you ripped Joonies plushie and that was his favourite as well."

"No buts Jin! Can you please just go and sit in the time out corner?"
"Nu Uh! Jinnie dwdnt dw anyfing bad!" Jin screamed

Jinnie knows who's voice that belonged.And Jin was going to explain to him everything that Is going on

"Daddy! Seokie ish bwaming Jinnie for somefing hw dwdn't dw!"

"Seokjin.Don't lie.Your holding the ripped plushie in your hand.Just do what seokie is telling you to do.Then maybe this situation doesn't need to get any bigger."

"Nu Uh!" Jin yelled while stomping his feet.

"Seokjin." Jungkook warned him

"Dwn't 'all Jinnie bwy hish fwll name!" Jin argued back as tears started to form in his eyes.

Jungkook wasn't having this bratty behaviour at all.He grabbed Jin wrists and dragged up to his bedroom.

Jin wasn't having this either so he bit Jungkook's hand and ran off into his own bedroom making sure to lock the door behind him.

Jungkook banged on the door "KIM SEOKJIN.OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!"

"Nu!" Jin replied with tears streaming down his face.

Jungkook decided to leave the kid and talk to him later.Right now his main priority was Namjoon.

Jinnie picked up the lamp that was on his bed and threw it at the door causing it to break and shatter in pieces.Jin just sat down on the floor and started to cry uncontrollably.
"Evfyone hates Jinnie...Nu one woves hwm any 'ore.."

Jimin and Taehyung saw everything that had happened from when Namjoon ripped the plushie up to when Jin went running into his room.

They felt bad for not saying anything and now Jin's the one in trouble for something he didn't do.

"I think we need to talk to him" Jimin looked at Tae "Yea...We should've said something"

They both walked up to Jin's door and knocked on it.

"Weave Jinnie awone!" Jin screamed from the other side

"Jinnie..,It's uncle Jimin and Tae can you please just open the door for us..?"

For a few seconds they didn't hear anything until they heard the door unlock.They both looked at each other before walking in.They boy saw Jin curled up on his bed with tears streaming down his face.Tae walked up to him and hugged him.

"Ssshh it's ok Jin.."

"B-bwt Nu 'ne wuves me any 'ore" Jin cried into Tae's shoulder

"That's not true.Uncle TaeTae and I love you so much" Jimin said while sitting down next to him.

"Weally.." Jin looked up at Jimin.

"Yes really" Jimin smiled.

"Jinnie woves you too!" He said while jumping onto Jimin.

Tae just giggled at the sight in front of him.

"Jinnie woves new Daddy and Appa!" Jin said giggling.

Tae and Jimin both looked at each and smiled.
"We love you too Jinnie" Tae said.
After a few minutes all three of them were on Jin's bed sleeping.

Jungkook had opened his door to see all of them sleeping and hugging each other.He was still angry at Jin and just decided to wait until tomorrow.

Next day.
"Daddy's gonna get you!!" Tae said while chasing a small Jinnie around the house.

"Appa 'elp Jinnie!!" Jin screamed while Jumping onto Jimin.

Jimin giggled.
"Taehyung what are you doing to our little baby huh?"
"Hehe nothing" Tae started to tickle Jin.

Only if they knew that there was someone watching them from afar regretting what he did.

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