The way you look tonight

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I squeezed past Ray as I made my way into the firehouse garage. He waved his thanks as I set his black coffee on the cluttered, grease-covered table.

Peter was on the phone in the main lobby, only stopping to grab a mug from my filled arms.

Janine covered the receiver of the phone and smiled, "Thank you for doing that, honey." I nodded and made my way upstairs.

I knocked on Egon's office door and waited for a response.

"Peter, if this is about the box of chips..."

"It's Y/N."

He paused. "Come on in."

I cracked the door, his form-fitted suit still on, deep in his work.

"I have your tea here."

"Oh just set it," he cleared a small space in between unsigned forms. "here."

"You know I really need you to sign those so you don't get kicked out of here."

He waved off, "I'll get it done. Venkman just decided to overuse this cathometer and now all of the packs are malfunctioning."

"Hmm. Convenient."

I began to walk out, dodging the metal scraps that lingered on the floor.


I just nodded. Because that's how you say 'thank you'.

Resuming the very short list of doable daily tasks I've been given, I made a large stack of EPA forms and OSHA violations that needed to be recorded, signed, pissed on. You know the drill.

I located Ray and began to set down the forms for him.

"No, no, tell Peter to do that shit."

Sighing, I walked to the lobby and gestured towards the somehow growing stack of papers in my arms.

"Get those away from me, Egon can do them."

"You all are the worst." I mumbled under my breath.

"Find a different job then!" he shouted as I walked away.

I once again returned to Egon's door, rapping it a few times before slightly opening the door.


I stepped inside regardless of his annoyed expression.

"So is everyone else, someone needs to sign these, and I'll be arrested for fraud if I forge again."

His sports coat had been lost, his white sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His tan and vein-filled arms exposed to the world. His glasses sat at the tip of his nose, threatening to fall, but never going to. His curls fell just above his eyes, which were gleaming into mine.

"Alright, fine." He began, wiping his hands on his white towel.

He placed his hands on his hips and looked down at the papers now placed on his desk.

I couldn't help but stare at his focused gaze downwards, the way his arms moved and popped. Or how I could imagine his hands on me when he ran them through his hair.


"Mhm, yeah?"

"I asked when they were faxed."

"Last week I believe."

I felt my reading glasses slowly slip down my face and drop to the floor.

I began to bend down and collided with Egon, our foreheads bumping together. Both bent at the knees and reaching for my glasses, he ran his fingers across my forehead slightly.

"Yeah you should be fine. Sorry about that."

"No worries, sorry for the paperwork."

He shrugged, "As long as I can store dangerous chemicals."

I half smiled and picked up my glasses, readjusting them on my face.

Egon stood up and extended his hand for me.

"Oh, thanks."

His strong grip pulled me up and into his chest.

I seemed to be entranced by him in that moment, oblivious to the fact that I was simply staring at him, not moving in the slightest.

He gave a thin-lipped smile and moved me out of his way, grabbing my arms to relocate me.

"Don't you have uh... I don't know, stuff? You need to do?" Gesturing around with a screwdriver.

"Nope. My only purpose is coffee and overdue forms."

He grunted. A laugh?

"Well I have a new cathometer to make," He glanced at his desk. "and now papers to read. So if you don't mind."

He began to almost push me out of the door.

"Oh right but just really quick- "

The door was shut. A gentleman indeed.

I made my way back to my desk. And by desk I mean card table with a pencil cup on it.

"Good job isn't it?" Peter asked cheerily as he walked past.

I simply stared in his direction, unsure of what to respond with.

"Don't stare at me, you got the bug eyes!"

And with that, he was shut in his office.

I would say that now peace and quiet had begun, but that was wrong. The thing about the firehouse is that the lobby happens to be right next to and connected to the garage.

So every minute or so, Ray would throw some sort of metal tool and curse under his breath. I liked to keep a tally of what he usually says. Most commonly: 'Shit.' In case anyone was wondering.

After about the seventh time he would throw something, Egon would yell "Fragile pipes, Ray!" from his office.

Even with the muffled filter on his speech, Ray still rolled his eyes at the comment every time it was made. 

Janine leaned over towards me, her glasses chain reflecting even in the dull lighting offered in the firehouse.

"So, which one do ya have a crush on?" her Boston accent peeking through.

I thought about Egon and how he looked earlier. But I didn't like him, I can just appreciate a good face.

"Hmm. I don't think I like any of them."

"That's what I told myself too..."

Our conversation was luckily interrupted by the phone, I turned around to pick it up, the receiver loud before it was even to my ear.

"Hello, Ghostbusters- "

"We need you guys right now; a blue man is wreaking havoc in our restaurant!"

"Ok what's the address, we'll send them right over for you."

I feverishly wrote as he scrambled to tell me the address correctly.

I hung up and Janine hit our alert button.

Egon burst out of his office, followed by Peter from his and Ray from the garage.

"I'll be back for the typed up run through, Y/N."

I nodded, my fingers already gliding across my keyboard.

The printer etched it out as fast as it could, still warm in my hands as I passed it to Egon.

Fully suited, they all got in the car and were on their way. 

Some unspoken thing. [Egon Spengler X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now