Yet another author's note (sorry for the disappointment)

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Hello all you lovely people. Um first order of business... 2.3K READS. OH MY LAWD YA"LL. Quite literally insane, I love each and every single one of you so much and I cannot tell you how thankful I am that you read my story. Next order... as most of you probably know, this story is coming to an end. I just have one more chapter to post (an epilogue) but if you have any suggestions or requests I would be happy to write them! I was thinking about doing a George Weasley fanfiction?? I'm not really sure yet. I wanted to take a break to work on my book but if you have a story idea please tell me! I would love to hear it. Ok that's all for now unless I remember something I forgot to put in like 15 minutes. LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3 

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