A kiss to build a dream on

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Once we reached my building, I unlocked the door. Both of us shuffling inside as quickly as we could.

I turned on the TV and got comfortable on the couch, Janine making us both coffee in the kitchen.

We watched the news outside the building, giving vague and useless updates.

It was only 3 in the afternoon, but it looked like it could've been midnight. As if all the light was sucked from the sky.

It might have been.

I sipped my coffee, my eyes glued to the screen. Awaiting any sign of Egon.

And everybody else I guess.

I laid my head down on one of my small throw pillows.

I felt my eyes slowly slip shut, my vision going black.


I opened my eyes again, my vision still blurry.

"Y/N we have to go! It's light outside again!"

I shot up, and got my shoes on, still in a haze after sleeping.

The cold air rushed into my face, immediately waking me up.

I watched the sky as I ran behind Janine, the lightning and thunder that had previously filled the sky was now gone.

We reached the building and saw smoke erupt from the doorway.

Peter walked out of the building, Dana hand in hand with him.

I stood from afar, watching anxiously.

It seemed to happen in slow motion. But finally, Egon emerged from the smoky and burnt building.

"Go get him." Janine muttered.

I was already running before she finished her sentence.

I ran faster than I ever had, shouting for Egon as I got closer.

His eyes caught mine and he softly smiled, just before I quite literally jumped into his arms.

My legs wrapped around his waist, his arms holding me close by my back.

I breathed him in briefly before letting my legs down, taking his face in my hands.

I gazed at his hazel eyes in disbelief. He was safe.

Before I could say a word, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him.

"I thought you didn't like PDA." I murmured.

"Oh shut up." He whispered before crashing his lips into mine.

I grabbed at his neck and chest, desperately trying to get him closer.

"I knew I could feel the tension!" Peter yelled from behind Egon.

We pulled away just for Peter to pat Egon on the back and stare at us awkwardly.

Egon and I just looked at him flat faced.

"Well okay. We're gonna roll out." Peter muttered, already walking away towards the car.

We followed him, our hands intertwined. 

He wouldn't stop touching me the entire car ride. His arm or leg had to be on mine at all times, like he was a nervous toddler. It wasn't until 20 minutes in that I had no idea where we were headed.

"Peter, where exactly are we going?" I worriedly asked.

"A joyride!" He yelled.

"Ok well can you pause this joyride to drop us off at the firehouse?"

He rolled his eyes, "I guess so, but you might end up missing out."

"I'll take that chance." I muttered.

10 minutes later Egon opened the car door and helped me out. We walked into the firehouse-yes, it still smelled like smoke-and coughed our way through the door.

He insisted I wait near the front while he searched for his bag.

I watched him emerge from the smoke, bag in hand. We got outside and he took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air after several minutes inside.

"Can I take you out?" He softly asked.

I perked my head up, a smile growing on my face.

"How about I cook for you, at my place."

He looked taken aback, "Sure." He murmured, his eyes lighting up slightly.

"Okay. Say... 6?"

He pulled me into him again, his left hand firm on my waist.

"Are you going to keep doing that out of nowhere or am I going to get some sort of warning next time?"

He held back laugh, opting for a smug smile instead.

"6 sounds perfect." He whispered before pressing hips lips into mine.

"Why do you taste like marshmallows?" I asked, quickly pulling away.

"It's a long story." He muttered.

I pulled his collar towards me, giving him one more kiss before deciding I needed to ready my apartment.

"Six." I stated.

"Six." He repeated.

We then went our separate ways. Once he was out of eye shot, I began running towards my building, realizing I only had an hour and a half until his arrival.

I opened my door with urgency, lighting every candle in sight hoping the smell would drift to every inch of my apartment.

I then took the quickest shower of my life, drying my hair in record time.

I wrapped my towel tightly around myself, running to the kitchen to start the cooking process.

Then it hit me.

I held the phone up to my ear, anxious that he wouldn't answer.

"Hello?" he asked worriedly.

"Are you vegan?" I almost shouted.

"Absolutely not."

"Oh thank God." I breathed. "You're not allergic to anything either, right? "


"Ok good, I need to cook now."

"I love you, bye."

I hung up before processing what he said. I melted into the couch, my heart warm inside.

I shot up again, loudly setting pots in different areas of my kitchen, whipping around to grab ingredients and hitting counters as I did.

My towel did magically stay intact though.

I finished the chicken and pasta, leaving the pesto to simmer over the heat while I finished getting ready. 

Some unspoken thing. [Egon Spengler X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now