What a mess, I confess

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I rinsed out the coffee pot, passing it to Janine for her to dry. Just then, an angry looking, red-head man walked in. I recognized him from the other day.

About two or three more men followed behind him, not stopping for anybody.

Janine aggressively set her pot down, walking in front of him.

"Excuse me, just where do you think you're going?" She snapped.

"Step aside miss, or I'll have you arrested for inferring with the police." His calm and cool voice making my skin crawl with anger.

"Oh, no. Hold on, I've seen TV. I know you can't come in here without a warrant or a writ or something."

"Cease and desist all commence order seizure of premises and chattels ban on the use of public utilities for non-licensed waste handlers and a federal entry and inspection order."

He finally finished and I turned to run downstairs, I knew he was headed for the storage unit.

"Egon." I loudly stated as I ran down the stairs towards him.

He turned, immediately sensing my distress.

"We tried to stop him, but he says he has a warrant." I walked behind him as Peck came down the stairs.

"This is private property." Egon told him.

"Shut this off." He muttered, gesturing all around him.

"I'm warning you, shutting off these machines would be extremely hazardous." Louis pointing around as well, copying Egon's every movement.

Peck stepped forward, "I'll tell you what's hazardous, you're facing federal prosecution for at least half a dozen environmental violations. Now either you shut off these beams or we shut them off for you."

The two men behind Peck simply stood with their arms crossed.

Vince, Janine, and I positioned ourselves in front of the storage unit, Egon quickly following.

"Try to understand this is a high voltage laser containment system. Simply turning it off would be like dropping a bomb on the city."

"Don't patronize me, I'm not stupid." Peck followed.

Peter quickly came down from the stairs, "Officer, I'm Peter Venkman, I think there's just been a slight misunderstanding and I want to cooperate in any way that I can- "

"Forget about it." Peck cut him off. "You've had your chance to cooperate but you thought it would be more fun to insult me, well now it's my turn, wiseass."

"He wants to shut off the protection grid, Peter." Egon muttered loudly.

Peter continued, "You shut that thing down and we are not going to be held responsible for whatever happens- "

"Okay, shut it off." Peck growled, walking around as if he was in charge.

Peter pointed to Peck's assistant, "Don't shut it off, I'm warning you."

The man looked towards Peck, "I've never seen anything like this before I don't know- "

"I'm not interested in your opinion, just shut it off."

Peter interjected, "My friend, don't be a jerk."

The officer pulled him away, "Sir, step aside."

"If he does that again, you can shoot him." Peck mentioned to the cop.

"You do your job, pencil-neck! Don't tell me how to do mine." The officer snapped,

"Officer- "Peter began.

"Shut it off!" Peck repeated.

The assistant walked over to where we were lined up.

Egon moved out of the way, the rest of us following. He gave him one more silent warning about what could happen, standing near the stairs in preparation.

He pulled the switch, the lights immediately dulling and turning red.

A loud alarm blared, the lights blinking rapidly.

The storage unit sounded loudly, a dangerous noise erupting from inside it.

I watched for a moment as the bricks began to shake and blow through.

We all began to run up the stairs, through the firehouse as fast as we could.

Egon was just ahead of me, his hand in mine. I couldn't remember whose hand intertwined with the other's, but it felt right.

We didn't stop until we were all out to the street, Ray and Winston pulling up just in time.

Light and smoke quickly shot out of every window, door, and crack of the building.

The wind kept blowing as we found Peter, Ray, and Winston.

"What happened?" Ray frantically asked.

"He's shut of the protection grid." Egon yelled back.

Ray ran his right hand through his hair, "Oh great."

"That's bad?" Winston wondered aloud.

"Yeah." Ray muttered.

"Where's the key master?" Peter asked.

"Shit." Egon turned to run back to the firehouse, his hand just now leaving mine. I followed behind.

Peter and Egon were stopped by Peck pushing into them, the police right behind him.

"Captain, these men are a criminal violation of the Environmental Protection Act, and this explosion is a direct result of it!"

I watched Egon snap, "Your mother!" He screamed, grabbing Peck by the collar, shoving back.

Peck fell into the officers behind him, Peter pulled Egon away, handing him to me. 

I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the crowd.

He fought my hold for a moment before realizing it was me. I could hear him mutter under his breath as he let me drag him from the substantial amount of people that had crowded the streets.

"Hey, hey. It's ok." I murmured softly, trying to turn his head to face me.

"That son of a bitch, I swear..."

"I know, I know. Just look at me."

I used both hands to finally get his eyes to meet mine. He gazed deeply as we took deep breaths together, his mood calming quickly.

He grabbed my hands with his, hovered over his cheeks.

"See, it's all good." I softly said. 

"The firehouse just blew up, I don't know about that."

"Well, I tried."

Some unspoken thing. [Egon Spengler X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now