Dream a little dream of me

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I plated our dinner while Egon cut the flowers and meticulously placed them in my empty vase.

I smiled watching him tediously arrange them around.

"Ok, dinners ready." I stated, setting our plates on the table. "Do you want wine?" I then asked, making my way towards the cabinet.

"Yeah, that would be great actually." Egon responded.

I could tell by the way he was carrying himself, his eyes dodging around. Egon was nervous.

I set the remaining dishes in the sink, running warm water over them to rinse most of the stains off.

I felt Egon's arms wrap around my waist, his chin on my shoulder.

He began trailing his lips around my neck and up to my jaw.

He then found a soft spot behind my ear, I involuntarily let in a sharp breath once he had started sucking on that same area.

I shut off the water and quickly dried my hands, spinning around to face him once I had finished.

"You are such a flirt." I whispered.

"Is that okay?" His low voice making me shiver.

I nodded, the words unable to leave my mouth.

It occurred to me how little space was between us. He had me backed up against the counter, hands on either side of me.

His dark eyes deepened with desire, looking into me through the frame of his glasses.

He had lost his sports coat, his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. Exposing those forearms that drove me crazy.

There was just a sliver of space between our lips, my eyes not being able to hold contact for the life of me.

I tried to talk but couldn't, the tension building up in the lack of space we were giving each other.

I watched his lips move closer to mine, my breathing rate increasing by the second.

"Touch me." I gasped out, my eyes finally meeting his.

He crashed into me, his lips devouring mine. He grabbed my hips, setting me on the counter that I was in front of. he tasted like the sour wine we just had, a sweet undertone from the marshmallow. 

His kisses were rough and passionate, but he took off my clothes like he had all the time in the world.

He pulled away just enough to murmur, "Are you sure?"

I nodded and pulled his collar towards me, his lips on mine once more.

He worked his mouth down my neck and onto my collarbone as he removed each piece of fabric.

I was left in my undergarments, him shirtless-revealing surprisingly toned abs-when he picked me up and walked to my bedroom.

My legs wrapped around his waist, knocking over various items as we moved.

He laid me on my back, crawling over me as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

I removed my hands from his hair, running them across his soft skin to where his belt was.

I threw it to the side and began on his zipper.

He urgently removed his glasses and set them on my bedside table.

Before leaning back in, he paused to look at me. "You're perfect." He murmured.

I pressed my lips to his, exchanging 'I love you's to each other in-between kisses.

The world melted away as our bodies molded together. 

I woke in the morning, Egon's arms wrapped around his pillow, his face visible to mine.

His back moved as he softly breathed, his eyes fluttering every few moments.

His curls covered his forehead, falling in every direction.

I sat up and slowly got off the bed. I grabbed a random shirt from the floor, the darkness making it difficult to distinguish the difference between all the pieces of fabric.

I pulled my arms through the sleeves, of course, it was Egon's slate gray button up from last night.

I buttoned three buttons before I got lazy and left it, continuing my way to the kitchen to start the coffee.

I grabbed two mugs as quietly as I could, the edges clinking together several times.

I left it to brew, walking back into my room, Egon still in the same position he was 5 minutes ago. I crawled next to him, pushing his hair from his eyes.

He smiled and pulled me into him, his scent engrossing me.

Perhaps this wasn't so unspoken after all.  

Some unspoken thing. [Egon Spengler X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now