I love you because you're you

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Almost half an hour later, I was informed that they were being sent to jail. Typical.

I watched as Egon was pushed into the cop car, followed by everyone else.

Janine and I went back to my apartment to wait it out, seeing as how we couldn't go back to the firehouse and all.

We sat by the phone for almost two hours. The news was on in the background, the last update 45 minutes ago.

Finally, it rang. I picked it up quicker than I could handle, almost dropping the receiver.

"Hello?" I frantically asked.

"Hi." It was Egon.

"What's the plan?"

"We're going to get our things from the firehouse then go ahead up to Dana's apartment, to finish this. Can you meet me outside the building? Look for the crowd of people."

"Yes." I scrambled, almost cutting him off.

"Okay, see you then."

I hung up and quickly grabbed my coat.

Janine and I ran as fast as we could, her skirt threatening to fly up. 

We saw the enormous group of people outside the apartment building, blocked by barricades.

Walking up towards the front, we looked for an entrance past the wooden fences. 

I heard the car alarm coming from down the street. Turning, I watched it come around the corner, pulling into the street on two wheels.

The boys got out, their uniforms looking cleaner than they ever had before. 

I got the attention of a security guard, flagging him towards me.

"Hi, uh, we work with them, and we need to talk to them really quickly, can we just get past here?"

He may as well have laughed in my face.

"Listen, I get that you're fans, but I can't just let you past here."

I scoffed, crossing my arms.

Peter luckily spotted us, having a word with the guard to get us through.

I practically ran to Egon, wrapping my arms around him immediately.

"Thank God you got out of jail. You wouldn't last a day in there." I breathed into his chest.

He hugged me back tightly, laughing softly at my comment.

We broke apart, our gaze held constant.

He pressed his forehead into mine, our breathing heavy.

I leaned up to kiss him, but was stopped.

"Y/N. We might not be coming back... but also I don't like PDA."

"Egon, you promised me- "

"I know. And I will be careful. Just hold that ring."

I sighed, long and soft. "Okay."

"Egon!" Peter yelled from the other side of the car. "Time to head out."

Egon took one last long look at me, before kissing my head and walking to Peter.

He got his proton pack on and walked towards the front of the building, following Ray.

I was guided back into the crowd, quickly lost and overwhelmed.

Just before they took a step to the door, Egon spun around, his eyes darting through the crowd.

His eyes found mine and lit up. He took a deep breath and moved his lips slowly. Mouthing, "I love you."

I felt tears prick at my eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. I quickly wiped them and repeated the same phrase, "I love you too." I formed.

He turned back around, following Peter into the building.

I found Janine in the back of the mound of people, "I can't watch this." I mumbled.

We headed back for my apartment, cold air prickling at my legs. 

Some unspoken thing. [Egon Spengler X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now