I'll be yours until the stars fall from the sky

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Egon's POV

I sat in the back with Peter, reading off the paper that Y/N had handed me.

Peter lit up at the mention of Chinatown, "Maybe they'll give us some free dumplings."

I sat and silently thought about the focused gaze that Y/N had on her computer as we left. I wondered if they were thinking about the way my fingers softly grazed theirs as we exchanged the typed up breakdown of our call.

"Spengs, could you pass Ray the paper he's kindly been asking for?" Peter asked me.

I jolted my head up and did as he said, not realizing I'd zoned out.

"Thinkn' about our new hot secretary, huh?" Peter 'whispered' in my ear.

"What? No. No, just looking out the window." I quickly shot back.

"Okay then, hotshot."

I ignored his comment and waited for us to arrive in Chinatown.


I began to shiver as I sat at my desk. Janine wrapped her coat around her and bundled up in her chair.

"Is it supposed to be this cold?" I asked, my teeth chattering.

She shook her head, too cold to speak.

I got up to check the thermostat, cool air rushing to me as soon as I stood up.

It read '62' and didn't change when I hit the 'up' button. It also stayed the same when I hit it three more times.

Walking back to our desks, I muttered, "Thermostats broken."

She sighed a wrapped her arms closer.

"Conveniently on the day I don't bring a jacket." I continued.

"Just get Egon's out of his office, I'm sure he wouldn't mind since it's you."

"Why do you say that?"

She leaned over, "When you're not looking, I catch him checking you out a lot."

I laughed, "Funny, Janine."

I retreated to his office, grabbing both his blazer and coat.

She continued as I sat down, the fabric wrapped around me.

"All I'm sayin' is he's never looked at people around the office like that. Not even the hot customers!"

I rolled my eyes and curled up in my office chair.

Egon's POV

Approximately 47 minutes later, we sat back in the car. Peter with the trap in hand.

Steam filled the space around us through the 12-minute car ride.

We walked back into the firehouse, Ray immediately headed for the storage unit.

Y/N and Janine were both curled up in their chairs, layers upon layers around them.

I noticed a familiar coat wrapped around Y/N.

They noticed my staring and began to speak. "Sorry I didn't have a jacket and its bloody freezing in here and Janine told me to use someone's jacket and- "

"It's ok." I cut in. "It looks...nice on you." I immediately shut up and walked for my office-or safe room-to escape.


I felt my cheeks flush as Egon walked away.

"What did I say..." Janine whispered.

"Please, he's just being nice because I'm new."

"I wouldn't call 'working here for three months' new."

I deadpanned to her, hiding a smile.

"Whatever, I won't mention it again." She murmured, smirking as she turned towards her computer.

An hour later I waved bye to Janine as I packed my bag to leave.

"You're on night tomorrow, right?"

I nodded and made my way to Egon's office.

"Come in." He said after hearing my knocking.

I cracked the door and stepped in, not closing it behind me.

I swear I saw him glance me up and down as I walked in, but chose to ignore it.

"Hey, did you want your coats back?"

"Hm? Oh um," He straightened his posture slightly and thought for a moment. "don't worry about it, wouldn't want you to uh... get sick or something." He rambled on.

"Thank you, Egon." I whispered before stepping to his desk and leaning forward, kissing his cheek.

I watched for a moment as he froze in place, eyes wide. I turned around and closed the door, covering my smile until I was out of the building.

Egon's POV

"Come in." I called, hearing knocking from the door.

Y/N cracked the door and stepped in, the door still ajar.

I looked up and down their body, my coats making them look effortlessly gorgeous.

"Hey, did you want your coats back?" They asked.

"Hm? Oh um," I straightened my back and thought for a moment. "don't worry about it, wouldn't want you to uh... get sick or something." I rambled. Again.

I looked back down towards my work, expecting them to leave.

"Thanks, Egon." They whispered.

I felt them step closer to my desk. Next thing I knew, they leaned across and kissed my cheek. Oh.

I froze in place, unsure of what to do or even think.

Before I could come up with something, they left. 

Some unspoken thing. [Egon Spengler X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now