Midnight, the stars and you

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Over an hour later I felt like I knew Egon better than myself.

With our greasy pizza box in hand, we got back into the car.

We did more talking than eating. Egon telling me about his family and passion for parapsychology, and me telling him about what books I like to read and how I came across this job.

But even that doesn't even scratch the surface.

As we walked into the firehouse, our arms looped together. As if they were magnetic

We exchanged soft but genuine smiles and continued walking up the stairs, Egon behind me once they got too narrow.

Ray greeted us and Vince copied exactly.

"Did you happen to bring anything back?" Ray pondered aloud.

"Oh yeah we brought you some pizza- oh I left it in the car, I'll be right back." I responded.

Egon took my coat and set it on the couch for me.

I made my way back downstairs quickly, the car in sight.

Just then, the room went dark. All noises in the building were gone, I couldn't see anything.

I stood panicked, unsure of what to do.

I waited, standing still in the darkness to see if the lights would come back on.

I heard footsteps but I couldn't place what direction they were coming from.

"Y/N!" Someone yelled.

It was Egon.

"I'm down here, near the car."

His steps got quicker, "Okay, you can hear me right?"

"Nope." I responded, feeling his eye roll despite the pitch black.

I could feel that he was close to me. I reached out and felt the soft fabric of his vest.

He spun around and wrapped his arms around me, firm against my waist.

I slid my hands up his chest to his neck, holding him close.

"Are you okay?" He quietly asked.

"Mhm, are you? I doubt you didn't trip on those stairs."

He let out a gruntled laugh.

"Does Ray have Vince okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. Can't really move because of all the tests hooked up to him."

Our grips loosened, but we could still feel the other's breath.

The space between us wore thin and minutes began to feel like hours.

My nose nudged against the end of his, and I could feel his whole body tense up. Mine did too.

Our breathing became heavy as I slid my right hand into the base of his hair.

His left arm slid further up my back, sending shivers down my spine.

I closed my eyes, even though my vision was already nonexistent.

I didn't move as he tilted his head, his surprisingly soft lips brushing against mine with no rush.

I inhaled sharply and pressed into him, pulling him closer.

Egon readjusted his arms, holding me tighter than he previously had been.

The soft kiss quickly turned into something more passionate.

Some unspoken thing. [Egon Spengler X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now