My heart aches for you

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"Oh by the way, I just need you and Egon to sign one of our HR forms since you're dating now and all that." Ray nonchalantly added.

I spun around. "What?"

"We need you to sign a company form because you're seeing each other?"

"Who told you we're seeing each other?"

"I just assumed because- "

"We aren't."

"Oh, sorry. Really, I am."

"Don't worry about it, Ray." I quietly said.

"Can I be honest with you though?"

I whipped my head up, my heart pounding with nerves.

"He really feels something for you. Now I've known Egon for a long time and I can tell when he's sure about something. To tell ya the truth, I'm not even sure if he's aware of it. Or if he knows how love feels. But you deserve to know, you're a good person, Y/N. I trust you to do with that what you will."

He patted my shoulder before running down the stairs.

I followed shortly behind him. I'll have to deal with this later, there's no time now, not with a possessed man in our building.

Ray ran his tests with Vince while I finished the coffee.

Egon walked up next to me, close enough to touch.


"Hey." I turned to face him.

"I don't want you to worry about me." A soft expression on his face.

I looked up into his eyes, "I'll do what I want with my worries, thank you very much." I turned back to pour the coffee.

He ever so delicately laced his fingers around my elbow, turning me to face him. I felt sparks where he was touching me, the sensation traveling. 

"I promise to be extra careful if you do one thing for me." His dark eyes had so much power over me in that moment, it was almost scary. 

"Anything." It came out as barely a whisper.

He dug into his pockets, his fist closed in front of me.

"Hold onto this."

He opened his hand. Sitting there was a simple yet elegant sapphire ring.

And just like that, an unspoken thing was established. Something wordless that didn't need to be communicated just yet. 

My eyes met his after moments of silence and shock.

"Egon I can't possibly- "

"Y/N. It's my mothers. If something ever happens to me, I-I trust you, okay?"

"Are you sure about this. I mean you could just give it to Peter or something, Winston's responsible!"

He shook his head.

"But why me?" I asked at a loss for words. 

His gaze dropped down to my lips. My heart raced as his free hand found its way towards my face, his thumb softly dragging across my bottom lip. 

The sparking sensation began to travel to other places as well, my knees almost buckling as his eyes filled with desire. 

My body melted into his, our lips almost touching, he was really savoring this. 

"Hey guys." Ray called out.

We both spun to face him, forgetting how close we were standing until now.

"I think I've got him. These tests are gonna be a while. Could you pick up some food?" Ray looked at his watch, "It'll be about an hour before we get any results so take your time."

Egon and I exchanged quick glances and mutually headed for the door.

"Keys!" Ray called before we were out the door.

Egon turned around and-luckily-caught Ray's toss.

We grabbed our coats and made our way to the car.

I watched Egon walk to the passenger side of the door. Confused, I followed. He held the door open, closing it when I got in.

I bit my tongue before I accidentally said the word, "date."

Some unspoken thing. [Egon Spengler X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now