If I could take you up in paradise up above

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The next day I walked into the firehouse, everyone already gone on a call.

Not even a minute after sitting at my desk, a man walks in, holding a manila envelope.

Once he had reached Janine and I, he spoke up, "Hello, I'm here for a job interview?"

"Oh great, you can sit right there." Janine mentioned, gesturing to the seat across from her.

He handed her the envelope, his resume full and impressive.

"Okay just one question, do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trans mediums, the Lochness monster, and the Theory of Atlantis?"

"Uh, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say."

Just as he finished responding, the boys walked in, steamy trap in hand.

Janine stood up as they reached our desks.

"Here's tonight's worksheet," she grabbed the paper from my hand, giving it to Ray. "and this is Winston Zedermore, he's here about the job."

"Beautiful, you're hired." Ray said without a second thought. He introduced him and Peter, handing a panicked Winston the fresh catch.

Egon was walking towards his office when I stopped him.

"Here's your coats, thank you again, Egon" I held them out for him to grab.

He hesitated for a moment, clearly flustered.

"Oh yeah... not a problem." He slowly took them from my arms, his expression minimal.

I smiled and turned back towards my desk.

Janine stormed out of Peter's office, clearly angry.

I reached for the phone as it rang but she snatched it up first, "Ghostbusters! Waddya want?" she snapped.

Peter walked out of his office, headed for a redhead man that I honestly forgot was there.

They shook hands and walked into Peter's office, the door closing behind him.

After he had finally left, Peter made his way to the storage unit. That seemed to be where everyone else was.

Janine said her goodbyes and left me to the night shift.

Peter had gone to visit Dana, Winston was taking a night off, and Ray was tinkering with something upstairs.

Egon was-as usual-shut in his office, working on who knows what.

I heard a knock on the door and got up to investigate.

A police man was on the other side, looking uninterested in whatever he had been doing.

"Dropping off or picking up?" I asked.

"Dropping off."

"Just a moment."

I shut the door and turned around. "Egon! They've got someone for us!"

He came out of his office with a certain speed to his step

His sports coat had been shed, leaving his vest and rolled up sleeves.

He stepped in front of me, opening the door.

"Are you a Ghostbuster?" The man asked.


"We picked up this guy, we don't know what to do with him. I'm afraid to put him in the lockup, and I know you guys are into this stuff, so I figured we'd check with you."

I followed them both out to the car.


Egon stood in front of the strange man.

"Are you the gatekeeper?" He asked with a high voice.

Egon's PKE meter practically shot up. "You better bring him inside."

We walked back towards the door together.

"Such a humanitarian." I sarcastically teased.

"I don't think he's human."

"That makes two of us."

We brought him in and I sat on the couch while Egon got him wired up.

After interviewing him for a few minutes, I interjected.

"Do you want some uh, coffee, Mr. Tully?"

He turned to Egon, "Do I?"

"Yes, have some." Egon flatly responded.

Louis turned back to me, "Yes, have some." He repeated.

I stood up and started heating up the water.

"Vince, you said before you were waiting for a sign, what sign are you waiting for?"

"Gozer the traveler. He will come in one of the prechosen forms. During the rectification of the Voldrani, the traveler came as a large, moving Tore!"

He continued rambling on, Egon turning his head towards me.

We made eye contact and both turned back.

"Egon." I called, point for him to come here.

He swiftly got up and walked towards me.

"Listen to me, I know you're smart. But you'd better be careful, okay?"

I didn't see his reaction as I pulled his collar towards me.

His warmth felt good for the short moment it lasted.

The phone rang and Egon moved past me to get it.

Egon and I sat up against each other as he picked up the receiver.

"What is it, Peter?"

Peter was speaking incoherently on the other end.

"How is she?"

Peter continued to explain the situation that I wasn't quite close enough to hear.

"Some, I just met the key master. He's here with me now." Egon calmly responded.

Peter said something else to him and Egon leaned closer to me, "I think that would be extraordinarily dangerous."

He hung up and took a dog bowl that Vince had handed him, "Thank you, Vince" He muttered before tilting his head towards me. "We have to find Ray; I need him here immediately."

"I think he's upstairs, I'll go get him." I murmured softly.

The right side of my body felt cold after getting up, and I could still smell him even after exiting the room. It was infuriating.

Workplace romances are bound to end bad.

I found Ray upstairs with a newspaper and a beer.

"We have a lead, Egon needs you downstairs." I quickly sputtered.

He quickly got up and followed me towards the stairs. 

Some unspoken thing. [Egon Spengler X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now