Chapter 01 | Protocol: Sneaking Out

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"Is something wrong, Miss Maximoff?"

I looked up to where Friday had paused the PowerPoint she was showing to me.

"Um, yeah, sorry," I said. "I just got distracted."

"Are you thinking about the idea of going to a proper school?"

I sighed and nodded. Of course Friday knew - it was the only thing I ever spoke about.

Ever since I was little, I'd always wanted to go to a normal school. I was only seven when my parents died in Sokovia. Hydra had given me some schooling, and I did schooling with Friday, but it was nothing like the real thing. I wanted to go to parties, make friends, and meet my soulmate.

"Perhaps you should speak to your siblings about it again," Friday suggested.

I laughed and shook my head. As if Wanda and Pietro would let me out of the tower. My powers hadn't fully developed yet, and they wanted to keep me as safe as possible. They were way too overprotective.

Friday started to speak again when I felt an overwhelming pain in the side of my face. I pressed my hand to it and the pain faded but still lingered.

Stupid soulmate.

Most people found their soulmate through their pain. Usually it would be a stubbed toe, or maybe they burnt their tongue on their coffee, but apparently my soulmate just liked to get beat up all the time. It was extremely annoying.

"Are you okay, Miss Maximoff?" Friday asked.

"Yeah," I muttered, rubbing my cheek. "Just my soulmate."

I finished my work quickly. Maybe I could try to ask for the school thing again. Surely they would say yes if I pulled the soulmate card. Lucky for me, everyone was in the common area when I finished my schooling.

"Hey everyone," I said. "Please let me go to school."

There was a collective groan from most of them and I rolled my eyes.

"Y/n, we've already talked about this-" Wanda started, but I interrupted her.

"Wanda, please!" I begged. "I just want to live a normal life! If I stay cooped up in this tower forever, I'll go psycho and kill you all!"

"That's not very comforting," Bucky mumbled into his coffee.

"I just want to make friends," I said. "You guys are okay friends, I guess, but I want friends my age! And... and I want to meet my soulmate."

There was silence amongst the group. Most of them had already met their soulmates, but some still hadn't. Most people found their soulmate at sixteen, and I was hoping to be one of the many who did.

"What are you going to do, go around smacking people in the halls?" Pietro asked.

I frowned at him.

"I'll smack you in a minute if you don't shut up," I said.

Pietro rolled his eyes at me and ran over and pinched me before sitting back down as if he hadn't done anything wrong. I lunged at him and Wanda held me back with her magic and I scowled at the twins.

"This is domestic abuse," I said.

Wanda and Pietro glanced at each other, having a telepathic conversation without me. I rolled my eyes and sat down in the middle of the air, using my powers to keep me afloat. I could control air and electricity, and it was really fun to just mess with people and float in the air.

"If you go to school, you absolutely cannot use your powers," Wanda said.

I gaped and dropped to the floor, but barely felt the pain as I scrambled to my feet.

"Wait, I can go?" I asked.

"We will talk more about it, but I suppose so," Wanda said.

I whooped and punched the air before hugging my siblings.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yelled.

I ran out of the room, hearing a few of the Avengers laugh at me, but I didn't care. I was going to go to a normal school, and possibly meet my soulmate...

When it was dinner time I ate quickly and retired back to my room. This was normal for me, and the others assumed I stayed in my room all the time because I was an angsty teenager or something of the like.

That wasn't the reason.

"Friday, activate Protocol: Sneaking Out," I said.

"Protocol activated," Friday said.

It was a little bit of coding that I'd learnt how to do. If one of the Avengers wanted to know where I was, Friday would tell them that I was in my room. If they came to the door, it would stay locked and a voice recording of myself would say that I was getting changed, and I would get a notification on my phone.

I quickly changed into my suit - a black one like Nat's with a mask and a hood - and silently crept out of my window, letting the wind take me to wherever the crime was.

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