Chapter 16 | Just You

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Peter Parker stood in front of me, his eyes wide.

I had found the files on Spiderman last night. Shield was very, very difficult to hack into, but it was something that I was good at. Last night, I was slightly shocked to discover that Spiderman, my soulmate, was in fact, Peter Parker. Peter Parker, the boy I wanted my soulmate to be.

It did make sense. It was why Spiderman had a different soulmate (which was me, not Storm), and why I was so attracted to Peter, even though I was supposed to have Spiderman.

But I didn't really think that was the only reason why I liked him. I didn't like him because he was my soulmate - I liked him because he was him. He was funny, he was kind, he was adorable. And he was a huge dork. But chicks dig that.

"Y/n," Peter said, slightly breathlessly.

I walked towards him, and he stayed still as I reached him. We stood a normal distance away. We stood in silence, until I broke it.

"How long have you known?" I asked.

I assumed that he had known. I mean, after Tony's little outburst, I had a feeling that Peter had told him something about it. Peter shifted awkwardly on his feet and wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"Since... the day of the Star Wars marathon," he mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I - I was going to tell you," he said nervously. "When - when you kissed me. But then..."

"My psycho sister interrupted us and then locked me up in a tower," I muttered.

Peter gave an awkward laugh and nodded once.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked.

Peter rubbed his arm and finally looked me in the eyes.

"Because I'm not enough for you, Y/n," he said sadly. "I - you... you're amazing. You - you're pretty, you're funny, you're nice... and I'm just... I'm just me."

He said it with such dejection that it made my heart break. I closed the distance between us and placed my hand on his cheek. His eyes slid to mine and I gave him a small smile.

"Maybe you are just you," I said, "but just you is so much more than you think. You're funny. You're kind. And I guess you're pretty, too. But... Peter, you are so much more than what you give yourself credit for. You - I didn't know that you were my soulmate, but I still fell for you. You're one of the best people I've ever met."

I rested my forehead against his, and a tear escaped his eye and slid down his cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb, and he kissed me. I kissed him back, my heart feeling complete.

"So... I guess things went well."

We pulled apart to see Tony standing behind us with a gigantic smile on his face.

"How - how long have you been standing there?" I asked.

Tony shrugged and then walked away, leaving Peter and I alone together. I smiled at him, and he rested his forehead against mine again. We stayed there for a few minutes, just letting everything sink in.


I turned around again to see Wanda and Pietro standing behind me. I narrowed my eyes at them, still mad. And then I realised I'd just broken one of their rules - no seeing my friends. I looked at Peter, and then back to my siblings. Would they extra-ground me? Could they even do that?

"We're here for something else," Wanda said thickly.

I then realised she was almost crying. I walked over and had an internal battle before giving her a hug. I didn't care that I was mad at her - she was my sister, and she was upset.

"We are sorry," she said into my hair. "We - we shouldn't have done what we did. It - it was way over the top. We overreacted."

I hugged her tighter, before pulling away.

"Yeah, the punishment was too much," I sniffled. "But... I shouldn't have gone out fighting crime without your permission. I'm sorry."

"You're ungrounded, I guess," Pietro said, ruffling my hair. "And... you can probably continue on fighting crime."

My eyes widened.

"I - for real?" I asked.

Wanda and Pietro nodded.

"You didn't get hurt," Wanda said. "And... you have Spiderman to take care of you. You two are very good at keeping each other safe. Besides, I think the world needs Storm."

"You're Storm?!"

I turned around to face Peter. His mouth was hanging open.

"That. Is. So. Cool!" he exclaimed.

I laughed and smiled at him, and Pietro poked me in the side.

"Just letting you know, Tony sent a video of the whole confession of soulmates thing to the group chat," he said. "So, y'know, I have to talk to Peter now."

Peter's eyes widened, and I was about to stop Pietro, but he clapped Peter on the shoulder and looked at him sympathetically.

"I'm sorry you're stuck with her," he said.

I punched him in the arm, and he smacked me back.

"All jokes aside, though," Wanda said, "if you intentionally hurt our sister, you will pay for it."

Peter gulped and nodded quickly. Wanda smiled brightly at him before linking arms with Pietro and walking away. I looked after them for a moment before focusing my attention back on Peter. He smiled at me uncertainly.

"Do you maybe want to go on a date?"

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