Chapter 06 | Soulmate

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"So, Y/n, how's school going?" Bruce asked.

I was at the dinner table with the rest of the Avengers, eating dinner. It wasn't common for us all to be here at the same time - most of the others had missions or families to visit - so all of us being at the table together was nice.

"Pretty good," I said.

"Met your soulmate yet?" Sam asked.

I shook my head. I'd been going to Midtown for four weeks and I still hadn't found my soulmate. It was a bit disappointing, but I was glad that I'd found friends like Peter, MJ, and Ned. Besides, I didn't want to rush it.

Once dinner finished I helped clean up before rushing to my room. I told Friday to activate Protocol: Sneaking Out, before putting on my suit and jumping out of the window. I arrived on a roof next to Spiderman a few minutes later.

"Storm," Spiderman said. "I didn't think I'd be seeing you tonight."

"Yeah, family dinner," I said. "Ready to fight some crime now, though."

Spiderman and I scouted out the area, stopping a few petty crimes along the way. After an hour or so of this, something loud caught our attention. We quickly made our way to the sound and found someone throwing cars. They looked like a normal human, but they were super strong, so I assumed they were enhanced.

"Let's go in either side," I said.

Spiderman nodded and swung around to the other side of the enhanced.

"Woah, buddy, you wanna stop throwing cars?" Spiderman yelled.

The enhanced growled and threw a car at Spiderman. Spiderman swung out of the way and I threw a zap of electricity at the enhanced. The enhanced lifted a car to block it and then threw the car at me. I sent a rush of air at the car to send it back, and the enhanced grabbed it and threw it at Spiderman. Spiderman dodged and another enhanced appeared seemingly out of nowhere and threw another car at him. It hit Spiderman in the chest and he tumbled away.

I started after him when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Spiderman got up easily and rubbed his chest before swinging back into battle. It couldn't be...

There were now four enhanced in the street. I heard the familiar sound of Iron Man thrusters and panicked. If this was an Avengers' level threat, I should not be here. There was a rush of wind and Pietro appeared with Wanda in his arms.

I couldn't fight the enhanced while Wanda and Pietro were here. They'd instantly know it was me, but I wanted to see if Spiderman was really my soulmate.

Spiderman got hit in the shoulder with a tire and I felt it in my own. Spiderman was really my soulmate. He landed beside me.

"Why aren't you fighting?" he asked, breathing heavily.

"I - I have to go!" I squeaked. "I - The Avengers have this handled. I'll talk to you later!"

I jumped into the air and allowed the wind to take me back to the tower. I saw flashes of light blue and red far behind so I knew Pietro and Wanda wouldn't be back too soon. I quickly entered my room and changed into a pair of pyjamas and turned on the news.

I watched as Spiderman webbed up the enhanced on screen and my siblings helped apprehend them. It was over quickly but the news liked to show the best parts of the fights in slow-motion. As the news played, my mind started racing.

Spiderman was my soulmate. He had to be. The constantly feeling pain made sense - he fought crime all of the time. How had I not noticed before?

I had to know who he was. Should I ask him? Did he already know that we were soulmates?

There was a knock at my door and I told the person on the other end to come in. It was Pietro and Wanda, and both of them looked completely unharmed.

"Have fun?" I asked.

Wanda cocked her head and gave me a small smile.

"You'll get there one day," she said. "We just don't want you getting hurt."

"Pietro doesn't care about that," I muttered.

Pietro then proceeded to push me off my bed and I hit my elbow on the floor, proving my point. Wanda pulled me back up and sat on my bed next to me.

"Y/n, you know we love you very much, right?" Wanda said. "We really just want you to be safe. You - you're so young, and we don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm a year younger than you two were when you fought Ultron," I countered. "And I'm only three and a half years younger than you."

Wanda sighed and looked at Pietro. They had another telepathic conversation, and I started thinking about Spiderman in the meantime. I couldn't tell them about him being my soulmate, because that would lead to a whole bunch of unwanted questions, like 'how do you know?'

I wasn't afraid of Wanda hearing my thoughts. Most of the time when I concentrated hard enough, she couldn't get into my mind. Perks of living with a mind reader for nine years was that you learned how to block them out.

"When you're seventeen and a half, we'll let you join the Avengers," Wanda said.

I stopped thinking about Spiderman and blinked a whole lot of times.

"Pietro, did you hit my head too hard?" I asked.

Pietro shook his head.

"You have been training with Natasha for a few years," Pietro said. "And you are quite powerful now. And you'll keep bugging us so..."

I shoved him and he put me in a headlock. I zapped him and he jolted and I laughed.

"And you know you can tell us things," Wanda said.

I nodded and looked away. I felt kind of bad for not telling my siblings, but I knew that they wouldn't approve. They'd lock me up in a bubble wrap room.

Wanda hugged me tightly and I hugged her back, resting my head on her shoulder. I really did love them both, even if they were both pains in the ass sometimes. But I supposed I was a pain too, so it was fair for everyone.

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