Chapter 02 | The Other Hero

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I guess fighting crime isn't a hobby, it's a lifestyle. Just kidding, it is definitely a hobby. If it was a lifestyle Aunt May and Mr Stark would kill me.

I was currently fighting against some thugs trying to rob a bank. They had some weird alien tech, and I guessed the weapons from the Vulture were still in circulation. Suddenly, a figure in all black appeared and joined the fight. Purple electricity crackled through the air as the person used their powers to disable the thugs. Within minutes the fight was over.

"Sup, Spiderman," she said, giving me a nod.

"Hey, Storm," I replied. "Didn't think you were gonna show."

Storm chuckled and shook her head.

"I'd never stand you up, Spidey," she said. "Ready to go?"

"I'll race you," I said, shooting a web to the side of a building and swinging away.

I heard her swear loudly and she followed after me, using her powers to help her fly after me.

Storm and I met a few months ago. It was about a month after I came back from the blip. The crime rate was extremely high, and it was difficult for even me to keep everyone in check. I was being seriously beat up by a group of thugs when Storm arrived and blasted them away with her power. She told me that she wanted to help, and I was perfectly okay with hanging out with another hero, especially when they were as cool as Storm.

I'd say that Storm and I are friends. We don't know about each other's identities, but we have a special bond, I guess. We told each other about our abilities and how we got them, and we told each other about our problems. She had a really overprotective family and she knew that they wouldn't approve of her hero business.

We reached our usual stakeout rooftop, with me beating her by a second.

"Cheater," she said. "You got a head start."

I chuckled and shrugged, and she shoved me lightly.

We continued the night fighting crime and just joking around. I kind of wanted to know who she really was, but I also knew that it would probably be better if we kept our identities hidden.

It was just for the best.

At about eleven we decided to end the night. It was a pretty smooth night anyway, and there were barely any crimes being committed. I said goodbye to Storm and she flew off and I swung in the other direction to my apartment. I crawled in through the window and pulled my mask off before running a hand through my curls.

"Peter, is that you?" May called.

"Yeah, it's me," I said, quickly getting changed into my pyjamas.

May knocked on my door and I opened it. She smiled at me and cocked her head.

"How was patrolling?" she asked.

I nodded my head.

"It was good," I said. "Storm showed up again and helped me."

May smiled at me and rubbed my arm.

"Well, I saved some Thai for you," May said. "I tried to make lasagna but... I kind of forgot about it."

"Is that why the apartment smells like smoke?" I asked.

May smacked me lightly on the arm and led me to the kitchen where my dinner was.

May was really supportive of the whole Spiderman thing. At first she was really worried that I would get hurt or die, but eventually she realised that I actually kind of know what I'm doing.

Sort of.

But when Storm came into the picture, May was a whole lot more willing. She was just glad that I had backup and I wasn't doing it alone.

I had dinner with May and she told me about her day before we both called it a night. I had school tomorrow anyway, and then Ned and I were going to have a Star Wars marathon.

It seemed as soon as my head hit the pillow, my alarm went off. I groaned and hit the snooze button. I wished that I could pause time so that I could sleep forever.

Once my alarm went off again, I turned it up and rolled out of bed, hitting my ankle on the bedpost. I clutched it tightly and waited for the pain to go away before thinking about my soulmate.

My poor soulmate. Imagine being tied to someone like me? Lame, boring, Peter Parker who just so happened to be Spiderman and would constantly hurt you through the bond. Every time I went out I tried my hardest not to get hit, but sometimes that's what happened when you fought crime as a hobby (NOT lifestyle).

I had a quick shower and got dressed before brushing my teeth, grabbing an apple and my school bag and walking to the train station. When I got to school I met Ned at my locker.

"Hey, did you hear?" Ned asked excitedly.

"Hear what?" I asked, putting my books into my locker.

"Apparently Y/n Maximoff is gonna be going here next week!" Ned practically squealed.

I nearly dropped my books. I'd seen Y/n once before, while in the labs with Mr Stark. She'd come in to get something from him (a book, maybe? I couldn't really remember) and I'd gotten a good look at her. She had really nice hair and really pretty e/c eyes. She'd asked who I was and Mr Stark told her that I was an intern. She'd given me a smile and a wave goodbye, and her smile was plastered in my mind forever. I'd told Ned about the experience, but I doubted she'd remember me.

"That's cool," I said, closing my locker.

Ned blinked at me.

"Cool? Cool? Peter Benjamin Parker, this is the chance to get with the girl of your dreams!" Ned said.

I shook my head.

"The girl of my dreams is my soulmate," I said. "Well, person of my dreams."

Ned sighed, and then his face lit up.

"What if Y/n is your soulmate?" Ned asked.

I laughed.

"If she was my soulmate, my life would be perfect," I said. "But, I don't have a perfect life, so she's not."

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