Chapter 13 | Birthday Gifts

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The date for my small party rolled around quickly. May decorated the living room with streamers and balloons, which I thought was a bit much, but I didn't comment on it. I liked that May was going all out. It made me feel special.

The first person to arrive was Ned. He gave me a big hug and then a gift and a card. MJ arrived second, with a present that looked a lot like a book. I wasn't expecting anything less.

The last person to arrive was Y/n. She was carrying a present even though I told her not to get me anything, and she had a big smile on her face.

"Happy birthday, Peter," she said, giving me a hug.

She entered the house and said hello to May and everyone else as well.

Somehow, Ned found the Twister game, and we all started playing that. MJ got into a whole bunch of weird positions and was still able to read a book. She eventually lost when her book fell and she took her hand off of the dot to catch it. Then it was just Y/n and I. I was in some weird backwards-crab position, and Y/n didn't look really human with how much she was twisted. Ned spun the arrow for Y/n, but when she moved, she tumbled into me. She knocked me down and landed on top of me, and we both started laughing.

"Technically, Y/n fell, so Peter is the winner," Ned said.

I barely heard him, though, because Y/n still hadn't moved off of me. She was staring at me closely, and I felt myself almost shrinking under her gaze. I wasn't quite sure what to do, but she rolled off of me and got to her feet, holding out her hand. I took it and she helped me up before flashing a smile at me.

There was a knock at the door that interrupted us, and May opened it. Standing there was Tony Stark, a present in his hand.

"Hey, May," he said with a grin. "Wasn't gonna miss Pete's birthday party."

He walked in, and was closely followed by Happy, who smiled nervously at May. May gave a big smile back, and I crinkled my nose in slight disgust.

Everyone seemed to have a crush on my Aunt May. I mean sure, she was good looking, but I still found it weird. Even Y/n had commented on it, calling her 'Aunt Bae.' I wasn't sure if Y/n was joking or not, though.

Tony pat me on the shoulder in greeting and handed me the present.

"Happy birthday, kiddo," he said, before turning to Y/n. "Hey! Funny seeing you here!"

Y/n rolled her eyes at him but smiled softly. She knew that Mr Stark was my boss for the internship thing, and she also knew that he was like a father figure to me. Not that I would ever admit that to his face unless he admitted this I was like a son to him. Which I had doubts about, but everyone told me that I was definitely his son-figure.

The party seemed to go by quickly. Soon enough everyone was singing 'happy birthday' and I was just sitting there awkwardly. It was the most awkward thing to have people sing 'happy birthday' to you while you just sat there and had to listen and pretend that it wasn't awkward and slightly cultish.

Once the song was finished, I stared at the seventeen candles on my cake, thinking of a wish. I looked at Y/n, who was smiling at me brightly.

I wish Y/n could like me for me, I thought, before blowing out the candles.

Once the cake was served out, conversations resumed and people started moving around the room. Ned approached me while everyone else was talking.

"I'll make a distraction so that you and Y/n can get some alone time," he said.

My eyes widened.

"Why?" I asked.

Ned looked at me, unimpressed.

"So she can murder you," he said. "So that you guys can talk, obviously!"

I shook my head quickly.

"I'm not telling her, not yet," I said.

Ned groaned loudly enough to alert the others, but they were all concentrating on their conversation.

"Peter, man, you gotta tell her," Ned said. "Listen, I can tell that she likes you. She might even know about the bond. And what if you don't tell her and she gets mad about it? I think you should just go for it. You guys are a match made in heaven. Literally."

I sighed. Ned was making a lot of sense. And the story about Bucky being mad at Steve for a few weeks was still lingering in the back of my mind. Besides, she deserved to know. That was why I nodded and allowed Ned to carry out his master plan. Somehow, he got Y/n to come over and start talking to me.

"Hey, Peter," she said with a grin.

I smiled back nervously, before steeling myself for what I had to do.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked. "In - in private?"

Y/n looked at me in slight confusion but nodded, so I led her through my room and out of my window onto the fire escape. She sat down and I followed suit, wringing my hands nervously.

What if she didn't like me? What if she rejected the soulmate bond? I knew that there were a few people out there who decided to deny the bond because either they didn't like the person they were tied to, or they were in love with someone else.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Y/n asked, jolting me out of my thoughts.

My head snapped up and I looked directly into her eyes. Mistake number one. Her eyes were such a beautiful shade of e/c, and I felt like I could stare into them for hours, for days, for years. She was just so pretty, so perfect. She was... she was everything.

"Peter?" she asked softly.

It was then I realised how close we were sitting. Our legs were touching, and our faces were really close to each other.

"I - I'm not sure... how to - how to say it," I whispered.

Y/n's eyes flicked from mine to my mouth, and then back again. And then she was leaning in, and I started to lean in too. I pressed my lips against hers softly, before pressing more firmly. Y/n moved her hand to entwine our hands, and I continued kissing her. I felt like I could stay in this moment forever, just me, Y/n, and the sunset. Just a pair of soulmates.

I pulled away when I remembered that I still had to tell her.

"Y/n," I said, slightly breathless. "We're-"

The window being opened interrupted me. Y/n and I both turned around to see Wanda standing there angrily.

"Y/n," she fumed. "We are leaving."

heyy so... i'm leaving the country. just kidding, but i am going away for 3 days so i probably won't update, so you get 2 chapters today. stay safe, love you all <3

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