Chapter 15 | They All Know

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I called Y/n for what seemed to be the fiftieth time in two days. And just like I expected, she didn't pick up.

It had been three days since my birthday gathering - three days since I'd kissed my soulmate for the first time. I had texted her afterwards, but she hadn't replied. She hadn't even seen it.

And then she didn't come to school. She hadn't texted MJ or Ned about it, and I'd texted Mr Stark to make sure she was okay. Mr Stark had told me that she was okay, but nothing more. I was supposed to come by today for something for my suit, so I hoped that maybe I'd be able to see Y/n, and talk about... everything.

Talk about the kiss, and how she was my soulmate. And why she just suddenly went MIA. Was it because of me? Did I freak her out? Did she not want to be my soulmate?

I was slightly freaking out the entire way to the tower. I was able to hide it easily, because that's one of the skills that my entire generation shares. Hiding mental breakdowns.

What was I on about? Everything was going to be fine. Peachy. Perfect. Amazing. Nothing would go wrong. I mean, the worst that could happen would be that she rejected the soulmate bond and I would die alone. Not that bad, right?

"Welcome back, Peter," the receptionist said brightly.

"Hi, Emily," I said back, giving her a wave.

She was a really nice receptionist, but I had a feeling that she knew a lot more about everything than she let on.

Anyways, I made my way to the elevator and then to Tony's lab. He was working on something when I entered, and gave me a grin when I put my bag down.

"Peter. Kiddo. Pete," he said.

I looked at him confusedly. Was he okay? Why did he call me by three separate names?

"Hey, Mr Stark," I said slowly. Was he having some sort of stroke?

Tony laughed and shook his head.

"Ah, back to work, right?" he said.

I looked at him confusedly and nodded slowly. He gestured for me to come over, and we started working on the suit. He didn't seem to be having a stroke anymore.

"So, Pete, you know how you wouldn't tell me who your soulmate was?" he asked suddenly.

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Mr Stark, I-"

"Well, funnily enough," he interrupted, "Y/n Maximoff told me that her soulmate was Spiderman."

I froze, and everything seemed to stop. Y/n had known? Well, not really, but she had known that she had a soulmate. She had a soulmate, and yet she'd kissed me. She'd kissed me. Peter Parker. Not Spiderman. Peter Parker.

"Does - does she know?" I asked. "Did you tell her?"

Tony shook his head.

"Although, there are some files that she became aware of yesterday, and man, does that girl know how to hack into unhackable stuff," he said.

I blinked in surprise. I hadn't known that Y/n could do that. But... she was about to find out that I was Spiderman. Or maybe she already knew. She should have heard it from me.

"I - I have to find her," I said.

Tony nodded and waved me out of the lab. I started walking down the hallway. Where would she be? Should I ask Friday? Was I even ready to do this?


I slowly turned around at the familiar voice. Y/n stood behind me, her arms crossed, and her expression unreadable.

im back from my trip y'all

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