Chapter 14 | Busted

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I sat in the car with Wanda as she drove us back to the tower. She hadn't told me why I'd had to leave yet, but I was sure I was going to hear about it soon. Wanda's hands were tightly gripping the steering wheel, and I felt nervous.

Wanda had never been really mad at me. Sure, we were siblings and fought sometimes, but she'd never been mad at me before. Not like this.

She pulled into the tower's car park before opening the door and slamming it shut. I quickly undid my seatbelt and followed her to the elevator. She didn't say anything on the way up, which made me nervous. What was she mad at me for?

"Oh, it's something big," she hissed.

My eyes widened and I started reciting the Declaration of Independence in my head. I'd memorised it once to recite to Steve as a joke, but I'd never forgotten it. Wanda scoffed at my antics to keep her from reading my mind, and we reached the common floor.

Everyone but Tony was standing there, some looking slightly disappointed, others looking slightly angry. I suddenly realised what this was all about.

"Yes, it is because we found out who Storm is," Wanda said angrily, her accent thickening.

"I - I'm sorry-" I began, but Wanda cut me off.

"Sorry," she repeated, looking angry. "You're sorry. About what? Lying to us? Putting yourself in danger?"

"I - all of it," I said.

Wanda scoffed and shook her head, and Pietro looked at me angrily.

"We have tried to protect you, Y/n," Pietro said furiously. "And this is how you repay us?"

I started to see red, I was so mad. This is how I repaid them?

"Protect me?" I said loudly. "Like how you protected me when you handed me over to Hydra to let me be experimented on?"

As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted saying them. I knew that wasn't how it happened, but I'd wanted to say something that would make them hurt. The other Avengers looked around awkwardly while Wanda and Pietro stared at me in shock.

"You know that is not what happened," Wanda said, her voice shaking slightly.

"You now stay here," Pietro said angrily. "You are grounded. No going to school, no seeing friends. You will learn with Friday again."

"You can't do that!" I yelled in outrage, reverting to Sokovian.

"We can, and we will!" Wanda yelled back in the same dialect. "You lied to us!"

"You're not my parents!" I yelled.

"We are your guardians," Pietro said, continuing in Sokovian.

I turned on my heel and stalked for the elevator, and as soon as I got inside and the doors shut.

"Take me to the lobby," I said to Friday.

Maybe I could stay with Peter.

Peter. The boy I had kissed. The boy I had chosen over Spiderman. The boy I wished was my soulmate instead of Spiderman.

"I cannot take you there," Friday replied.

I groaned and told Friday to take me to my floor instead. Maybe I could escape through a window. Once I reached my floor, I realised escaping through a window was impossible, because Friday had locked them all.

I sat down on my bed, and it was only a matter of moments before the tears began to flow.


The next few days were torture. My phone was also taken away from me, so I hadn't been able to tell Peter, MJ, or Ned what had happened. Hopefully they would think I was being held hostage and storm the Avengers' Tower.

I doubted that would happen.

I didn't speak to my siblings at all. Pietro tried to talk to me sometimes, but I would either ignore him or walk away. Wanda was just mad, and so was I.

I spent most of my time with Tony down in the labs. He thought that Wanda and Pietro were being a little unfair by taking me out of school, but he hadn't been able to convince them otherwise.

It was currently just after lunch time and Tony was working on something for his suits, while I was sitting on a workbench and reading a book.

"Did you find your soulmate?" Tony asked suddenly. "At school?"

I shook my head.

"No. I actually found him while fighting crime," I mumbled. Tony looked up from his work and quirked an eyebrow at me, and I sighed. "Spiderman is my soulmate."

There was a moment of silence where a look of realisation dawned over Tony's face.

"That sneaky little shit," Tony said.

I blinked at him in confusion. What was he talking about?

Tony began laughing to himself and pacing. I was considering calling someone, afraid that he was having some sort of stroke, when he stopped in front of me.

"You wanna know who Spiderman is?" Tony asked.

I nodded quickly. Obviously I wanted to know who he was. Maybe knowing his identity would help with the possible-two soulmates thing.

"I can't tell you who he is," Tony said, making my hopes drop. "But, I can tell you that there are a couple of Shield files about him. Only Fury and the Avengers can access them, but since you were able to hack Friday, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to hack into those."

He then left the lab, leaving me standing there in slight shock.

I supposed it was time to find out who Spiderman really was.

i'm still away but my friend let me use her laptop <3 round of applause for liv please :))

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