Chapter 1-

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Being the only female Witcher had its perks, but also had its downside

Whenever civilians had monsters to kill and coin to pay, they didn't want a girl to do it. They didn't think you could handle yourself or do the job like the rest of your fellow Witcher brothers.

However, on the other hand, because you were a girl, it made men very easy to manipulate and you'd usually end up getting paid double whenever you got hired.

So, it all evened out you supposed.

Most people knew who you were. There weren't many Witchers left these days, especially female Witchers.

Vesemir always said you were the 'miracle Witcher' the only girl to survive the Trials. Many had died before you, but you somehow, for some reason, you survived.

You had arrived at Kaer Morhen with your twin brother, Eskel, as a child at the same time as Geralt, Lambert and the others, many who didn't survive the Trials.

They had become your new family. Although, you bonded together through the pain and torture of it all, those boys become your brothers and you their sister... except for Geralt of Rivia.

He was different.

He became more than that.

The two of you had fallen for each other quickly. Putting to rest the rumours that Witchers didn't feel human emotions because you loved him, and Geralt loved you.

You spent decades travelling the Path together. Killing monsters for coin and saving villages.

Life was pretty damn good, until, Yennefer of Vengerberg showed up.

You knew something had been going on between her and Geralt, but he refused to talk about it. Insisting that Yennefer meant nothing to him, but that was a lie.

It wasn't until the dragon hunt on the mountain, that everything changed.


You stood amongst the bodies of the dead. Your sword by your side dripping bright crimson blood onto the dirt below you.

You fought alongside Geralt and Yennefer against those that were trying to kill the dragon.

Walking out the cave, you sheathed your sword over your back and took in a deep breath of fresh air, admiring the view from the top of the mountain.

Turning back towards the cave, you saw Geralt talking with Yennefer, the two of them standing a little too close for your liking.

"Geralt?" You called out causing him to quickly step away from her.

He looked over you from behind his hair before saying something her before he walked out the cave towards you.

"Everything alright?" He asked, his voice rougher than usual.

You shrugged your shoulders, looking back over at Yennefer.

You didn't want to be that girl who got jealous of this kind of stuff, but you knew the two of them didn't just like each other as friends. You weren't stupid and by the slight worried look on Geralt face, he knew it too.

"There's something going on between you and Yennefer, isn't there?"

"No, there's nothing-"

"Don't." You warned, shaking your head. "Don't lie. Not to me."

Geralt didn't say anything for a moment as he stared at you, those beautiful golden eyes locking with yours.

Geralt was good at hiding his emotions. It was second nature to all Witchers, but Geralt was the best at it. Except you could see right through him.

Broken Heart (Geralt of Rivia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now