Chapter 4

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Everyone else went back inside, but you remained outside and trained.

Being inside meant seeing your brothers medallion hanging off the tree. It meant sitting at the table with your Eskels empty seat beside you... there were so many things that you didn't even want to think about, let alone face.

So, you remained outside.

You trained and practiced with your sword, doing anything to keep your mind busy and focused.

For a while, you trained on top of the wooden posts. Swinging your sword as you stepped from post to post, balancing on top of them.

You weren't sure how much time had past before you jumped to the ground and continued practicing, weaving and ducking between the posts, swinging and hitting them with your blade.

You made a mental note to sharpen your sword after this. The wood no doubt blunting it with each strike, but you kept going.

"Ciri told me what you did for her." Geralt's voice suddenly called out.

You silently cursed yourself for not noticing his presence earlier. You were a Witcher, you should have heard him coming from a mile away.

"So, thank you." He added, walking in your direction.

"She's a good kid."

That was all you said, not even looking at him as you continued to practice with your sword.

You could hear Geralt walking closer, but you ignored him, keeping your attention focused on what you were doing.

Swing, duck, jab, repeat. Swing, duck, jab, repeat.

You said the words in your head as you executed the actions when Geralt suddenly stepped in front of you. He drew his own sword with seconds to spare as he blocked your blade with his own, inches from his face.

You quickly took a step back, eyeing him cautiously.

What the fuck did he think he was doing? You could cut his damn head off. What was he thinking?

"Y/N, I need to talk to you." He said, lowering his sword as he spoke.

You shook your head, "we already talked. Now leave me alone."


You ignored him, swinging your sword at the nearest wooden post. But, before you could hit the post, he deflected it with his own sword and stepped in front of you.

"Move, Geralt."

He grunted, shaking his head.

"Fine." You responded, lowering your sword. "If you're not going to leave me alone, then you're going to be useful."


Before he had a chance to finish that sentence, you swung your sword at him, not holding back. Geralt only just managed to duck out the way in time, the tip of the blade narrowly missing him.

A surprised look flashed across his face before he raised his own sword, realising what you wanted before the two of you started to fight.

You ducked and weaved between the wooden posts, dodging Geralts sword while you swung your own which he easily deflected.

The cold winter sky above you started to snow as the two of you fought. The sound of your swords clinking and clashing echoing across the mountain as snowflakes melted in your hair.

Geralt swung his sword, but you easily bought your own up, blocking his attack. Almost too easily.

"Don't go easy on me." You growled.

Broken Heart (Geralt of Rivia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now