Chapter 5

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Geralt had told Ciri that she couldn't train.

You knew she wasn't happy with that and the second Geralt walked out the cafeteria, the girl turned to you and Coen, asking if you could help her train.

Coen had been sceptical about it, but in the end you both agreed. Ciri fist pumped the air in excitement before rushing to retrieve her wooden sword from her room.

The two of you shifted the cafeteria tables out the way, making some free space as you taught her basic manoeuvres.

It was nothing too extraneous, knowing her body was probably still sore from yesterday.

"You keep looking down. That's why you're losing your balance." Coen explained as Ciri stood up once again. "Your enemies aren't on the ground. Again."

You watched as Ciri swung her sword before dropping to her knee and spinning on the ground as she practice the manoeuvre.

"Eyes up. Again." Coen instructed when she completed it correctly.

However, before she could try again, Geralt walked back into the room and she froze.

"You said I couldn't train more yesterday. Not today." Ciri quickly said, defending herself before he even had a chance to say anything.

"That strange feeling that you get like someone's coming after you, can you describe it to me?" Geralt suddenly asked, ignoring what she said and the training completely as he walked up to her.

You took note of the new amour Geralt had in his hands. One set that was definitely his size, the other a little smaller and you had a sneaking suspicion it was yours.

Your armour was fine though, you didn't need a new one. And why did he have it now?

"I don't know." Ciri answered.

"When you think about it, what's the first word that comes into your mind?"

"A pull." She said, looking up at him. "It's like I'm being pulled."

You had absolutely no idea why he was asking her these questions, but you didn't say anything, curious of the answers. You had heard that Ciri kept having these weird vision things, but you figured if she wanted to talk to you about, she would. So, you never pried.

"Pulled towards what?" Geralt asked.

"I don't know."

Ciri turned away from him, taking a seat on one of the chairs as Geralt walked over and knelt beside her.

"If you were to follow that feeling, where would it take you?" He asked gently.

Ciri didn't answer for a moment as she thought about it. "The woods."

That seemed to be enough of an answer for Geralt who nodded and stood back up.

"Then lets go to the woods." He declared, looking over at you as he raised your new black studded armour towards you. "Want to come?"

So, that's why he had the new armour ready.

"Like that's even a question."

You took the armour from him, inspecting it before you slipped it on over your head and tightened up the straps.

"Good luck finding whatever it is you're looking for." Coen called out as the three of you started to make your way outside.

You didn't bother taking the horses as you wandered into the woods.

You had absolutely no idea why you were even wandering through the woods or what Geralt was hoping to find, but you were grateful for the distraction and to get of out of the keep.

Broken Heart (Geralt of Rivia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now