Serious Punch 1: A Fight About Spinach

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Here's a chapter, based around the newest Death Battle, enjoy!

In a supermarket, Linc is seen shopping and approaches the vegetable aisle. He comes across a section with the canned Segar's Spinach, which features Popeye's face as the logo. He grabs one of the cans to observe the price.

Linc: Ah man, this crap's always so expensive. All that for canned slimy spinach? Ew, no thanks.

Offended by the remark, Popeye's face suddenly comes to life on the can. He extends his body out of it and punches the young hero across the store. The sailor takes off his hat as he talks to catch the flying can of spinach in it before putting it back on and assuming a battle stance.

Popeye: I's cant's stands no one bad mouthing me spinach. Put 'em up ya's big palooka!

Linc sighs as brushes the dust off his clothes and tosses aside his broken shopping bag.

Linc: (Sigh)... whatever.

Popeye angrily dashes over and mumbles as he throws two punches that blow wind throughout the store that Linc easily dodges.

Popeye: Agagaga~ Give ya a one, and a two, and a hun, and a hee, and a hoo-

He then grabs the hero by the arm and delivers multiple blows to his face before unleashing a charged wind-up punch. Linc crashes through the wall and lands near a burger shop. In typical cartoon fashion, a mumbling Popeye closes the intact door and pushes up the wall to make the outside of the market look good as new. He's surprised upon seeing that his opponent is unscathed.

Popeye: Well, blow me down! Ya aint's got a scratch on ya's!

Linc: I know, right? Overwhelming strength is so... boring.

Linc unleashes one of his more powerful lazy punches that takes up most of the screen, with the "Death" kanji (死) appearing on it. Unlike most other victims of the attack who still showed fear, an unfazed Popeye tries to decipher it...

Popeye: Hmm, I can'ts read that-

Linc: It means Death.

Popeye: Oh thank you.

After the sailor is hit and explodes into a bloody mess, with his limbs, aquatic items, and finally his head landing on the street shortly. As the hero looks at his fist disappointedly, he notices the spinach can land in one of the strongman's arms. Popeye squeezes the can to send the miracle herbs towards his mouth. After consuming the spinach, Popeye regenerates his entire body as his biceps feature a stack of TNT that explodes. Linc stands there in silence as the spinach leaves brush past him.

Linc: (a spinach leaf hits his face before blowing away) ... ok.

Popeye unleashes a more powerful blow that Linc blocks, resulting in an explosion that takes out most of the street. Both slide back as their fists burn hot.

Popeye: Eh, a little bit more interesting now, aghahaha!

Both heroes then dash all over the street and bounce around like pinballs, countering each other blow for blow. They meet in the middle and deliver rapid punches in succession, with Popeye's having more weight on them to counter Linc's Consecutive Lazy Punches. Still disinterested, the young hero increases his speed to overwhelm the sailor with his afterimages. He then delivers a harder punch, but rather than exploding, Popeye's body stretches like rubber across the road, allowing the veteran to come back and deliver his own counterpunch.

One-Punch Linc (One Punch Man x Loud House, Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now