Punch 3.5: Monsters Aren't Always Villains

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Here's the next chapter, enjoy.

Dark Moon was now standing in front of a sign telling directions to different towns near a road with a large traffic jam.

Dark Moon: Alright, so South Town is to the North, North Town is to the West, and East Town is... Also to the North... Where The F*ck Am I?!

Dark Moon walked in the middle of the traffic jam, right in front of someone who finally was able to move forward, breaking his bumper into pieces as he slammed into the massive woman.


Driver's Passager: DUDE!!

Driver: What? She's a c*nt! A c*nty c*nt! Whatcha gonna do about it, you big ol' c*nt?! Gonna c*nt all over me with your c*nty face, and your c*nty boots, and your... (pauses) ...VAGINA?!

Dark Moon was silent for a second then she let out a roar so loud, causing the entire town around her shook before she ripped out the engine of the car.

Driver:(scared stiff) Please put that back... I kinda need that to flee from you...

Driver's Passager:(gets out of the car) It's your own fault for saying that stuff to someone that 6 times your size!

Suddenly the ground began to shake wildly, then several massive bipedal Dragonoid creatures rose from the ground flipping many cars over.

Suddenly the ground began to shake wildly, then several massive bipedal Dragonoid creatures rose from the ground flipping many cars over

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Dark Moon: Huh, must've woken up from my roar. Oh well, they'll make a good snack.

Dark Moon calmly walked toward the creatures, one of them charged at her, but the massive woman raised a flicking hand gesture.

Dark Moon: Beat Wave.

Dark Moon flicked the air, generating a wave of sound pressure so intense that the organs of the beast were crushed by the pressure alone, but strangely, then beast continued at her, Dark Moon's ears then flicked and she looked down at the ground.

Dark Moon: So that's what's keeping these things going. Sound Sniper!

Dark Moon then spat at the ground, shooting a beam of sound that went through without issue, the beasts then feel on their backs and faces, as bystanders looked in confusion, then Dark Moon flicked the air near the backs of one of the beasts, revealing a thin string was attached to its back.

Dark Moon: These things aren't even alive, they're just dead puppets. Ain't that right, Puppet Master?

Then a building was toppled as something rose from the ground, revealing a towering fleshy puppet man, with human bodies on his finger strings, and several more on his back.

Then a building was toppled as something rose from the ground, revealing a towering fleshy puppet man, with human bodies on his finger strings, and several more on his back

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