Punch 6: Digital Tempest & The Hero Exam

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Here's the next chapter! Huge thanks to omegacrow-nexus for help with this story! Enjoy!

In the City, Linc was walking down the street to the laundromat with Luna with him.

Linc: You don't have to come with me.

Luna: You may be able to beat villains and monsters with one punch, but you still need someone to help carry the stuff. Only so much you can-

Luna's eyes glowed red and Dark Moon's voice suddenly took over.

Dark Moon: You're tiny kid arms can't carry much.

Linc: I see Dark Moon doesn't need to take over your body anymore.

Luna gave her head a smack before her eyes and voice changed back to normal.

Luna: Sorry, dude. She's been really talkative after she found out how to do that. (Dark Moon) And I love to do it!

Luna covers her mouth in annoyance.

Linc: Just don't start anything.

Luna: I- (Dark Moon) Will make no promises.

Luna grumbles to herself, most likely toward Dark Moon. Linc and Luna got to the laundromat and entered, about 10 minutes after they exit, where they saw the remains of some kind of monster attack.

Luna: Is this normal? We were there for like 10 minutes.

Linc: Yup. I think it went to the east.

Luna: Mind if I take this one? I need practice.

Linc: Doubt I'll get a challenge from it, so sure. (looks at some tracks) Looks like it's some kind of bull or horse monster, maybe both. I'll be taking these clothes back to the apartment, have fun.

Luna gave her brother a nod and a thumbs-up before heading in the way of the monster. As Linc mentioned, it was a monster crossed between a horse and bull, it was about 14 ft of height, has an overly muscular upper body of a man but has the head of a bull with sharp horns and pure red eyes, his lower body was that of a horse with lower body armor and spiked hooves.

Luna: Well, Linc was right, so you got a name, or are you just some mindless beast?

Bull/horse Monster: (roars loudly at Luna)RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!

Luna: Mindless beast it is.

The bull/horse monster charged at Luna with the speed of a bullet train. Luna quickly avoids the charge as the mindless beast halts his run and comes back for another charge.

Dark Moon: (takes charge) My turn! Sound Wall!!

Dark Moon roared as she created a wall of sound that stopped the monster's charge and broke one of its horns.

Dark Moon: Wonder what I should do next...

Dark Moon pondered on what to do when Luna took back control.

Luna: How about one of the moves we made up during Eva's training?

Dark Moon: Those were moves? We were trying to survive there.

Luna: I know.... Don't remind me of the horrors we endured but it was worth it to learn some new tricks. Like this one.... Sound Typhoon Wave!!

Luna begins to spin as the wind begins to pick up and fast, the air currents being pulled into Luna's spinning form followed by a strange sound emitting from the air, expanding into a massive typhoon-like wave. The mindless beast tried to charge straight for the typhoon but the moment it collided with the attack... his eyes bulged out with blood, and the ears spouted out blood as it began to twitch for a minute before its body was blown apart by the severing sound-induced winds.

One-Punch Linc (One Punch Man x Loud House, Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now