Punch 11.5 - Round 2; Saiyan Demi-God vs A Hero For Fun

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Here's the final part of this crossover within a crossover. Feel free to vote and share! Enjoy!

The two white-haired heroes stared at each other for a minute.

Linc: So are you gonna come at me or-

Suddenly Saiyan Lincoln teleported behind Linc, who instantly turned toward him. Both punched each other in the face at the same time, forcing the other to flinch, fists digging into cheeks, while Linc showed no signs of being hurt, his cheek still moved unlike before.

Saiyan Lincoln: (thinking) I may be able to do damage now. I just need to hit harder!!!

Saiyan Lincoln flew back a bit and reassumed his fighting position, settling his muscles. Both white-haired heroes then dash all over the street and bounce around like pinballs, countering each other blow for blow. They meet in the middle and deliver rapid punches in succession.

Linc: Normal Series... Consecutive Normal Punches.

S. Lincoln was overwhelmed and sent flying by Linc's barrage of insanely fast punches. Saiyan Lincoln flew at Linc and both fighters collided their punches and kicks for a few moments before Saiyan Lincoln kneed Linc and uppercut him. Linc dodged a punch from Saiyan Lincoln and punched his Saiyan self in the stomach before uppercutting him and blasting him off the lookout and into a nearby mountain.

Linc: (turns around) Normal Flick.

Linc was the first to hit, flying towards Saiyan Lincoln with a Normal Flick which his Saiyan self blocked and countered by punching his hero self a few feet back. Linc ran towards Saiyan Lincoln with a punch, placing him on the ground and throwing multiple punches, hurling his Saiyan self into the air. Saiyan Lincoln dropped down a huge blast of Ki, towards the ground where it exploded next to Linc, sending Linc slightly into the air. Saiyan Lincoln caught Linc by his legs, swinging him around, and Saiyan Lincoln let go and landed a hard punch on his chest. Saiyan Lincoln charged up another Ki Blast sending it towards Linc, blasting him into a nearby tree.

Linc made the next move, kicking off the ground to launch forward from the ground and launching himself towards Saiyan Lincoln, thrusting out a punch. Saiyan Lincoln countered with his own, the two fists connecting and sending out a massive shockwave that blew away the surrounding trees. The Saiyan and Hero remain in this position for a moment, struggling to overpower each other, their bodies shaking as their fists ground against the others' before they then both took the initiative to pull their fists back and swing the other ones out.

This time, both their attacks connected with each others' faces, sending them both skidding backward, the two of them leaving twin trenches in the ground with their feet and throwing out another shockwave. As soon as he had come to a stop, Linc unleashed a barrage of powerful punches that launched air-compressed shots toward Saiyan Lincoln, who had also come to a stop; countering with ki shots.

Saiyan Lincoln eventually closed the distance, bringing up his foot to deliver a kick to Linc's chest. Linc seemed to feel that blow before he swung his fist up at Saiyan Lincoln, who calmly stepped back to avoid the punch, before dodging to the side to avoid Linc's next punch.

This left Linc wide open for Saiyan Lincoln to deliver two punches to Linc's face, before he lifted his foot and stamped it onto the ground, unleashing a massive shockwave that sent Linc flying back through the air. Linc rolled across the ground, eventually ending up on his back, but he jumped back up to his feet, intercepting Saiyan Lincoln's diving kick by catching his foot so that he could pull Saiyan Lincoln forward and deliver a downwards punch to the Saiyan's face, smashing him into the ground.

Linc: Normal Spin!

Still holding onto Saiyan Lincoln's leg, Linc spun around at high speeds numerous times before releasing Saiyan Lincoln to send him shooting through the air. As Saiyan Lincoln flew backward. Linc ran forward to get in front of him, and the two exchanged eye contact as this happened, Linc saw that Saiyan Lincoln still had an expression of calmness on his face.

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