No Punch - Open To Ideas

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Not a chapter. Just an announcement. Feel free to vote and share, however! Enjoy!

I currently have no clue what to do with this story. So I'm gonna leave this for you all to leave ideas in the following three formats;

Lazy Punches - Lazy Punches chapters are short funny chapters, like some characters doing funny skits. Like, say Drew & Eva doing The Hole skit by TomSka. Noncanon of course, just harmless fun.

Punch - Punch are normal story chapters. Crazy adventures mainly follow Linc's adventures, as they focus primarily on him or something he's done/caused. It can also be on other characters, so long as the idea is good.

Serious Punch - Fight chapters. A character from OPL fighting a character from another series. Like Death Battle. It can be with any character, from a comic book, movie, game, or even from another fanfic. Non-canon to the story, but what is canon is the fighter's capabilities in the Serious Punch chapters.

That's all for now. Again, feel free to share ideas! Thanks for reading this. 

One-Punch Linc (One Punch Man x Loud House, Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now