Serious Punch 3: A True Hero

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Here's another Serious Punch Chapter

On a snowy Christmas afternoon, Lori Loud, a.k.a her superhero identity Digital Tempest, floats down in front of a residence, which was decked with holiday decorations.

Lori: Sorry I'm late, Bobby, I had to take down some villains before ending my-

She stops at the dining room table to notice another superhero holding a cup of cocoa and wearing a Santa hat. The stranger, the man-made superhero known as Homelander, greets the heroine with a jovial smile.

Homelander: Howdy, neighbor! Cocoa? It's warm~.

Digital Tempest doesn't reply, but her eyes notice something off-screen before glancing back at John. Homelander takes a sip of cocoa and smacks his lips loudly.

Homelander: You know, Lori... Homelander is more than just a superhero. It might be cynical to say this, but he's, uh... a brand. And it's very important to me that that brand... means something.

As he continues his monologue, the Supe looks at a framed picture of the Loud and Santiago families' at a wedding with Lori and Bobby at the pedestal, all smiling happily.

Homelander: And if I'm playing second-fiddle to some girl... tch. What's really the point, right? What do you think... Mr. Bobby Loud?

The camera switches to show a charred skeleton of a man Homelander was calling Bobby.

Homelander: Aw, he's shy.

Homelander turns to address and threaten the now widowed wife, his eyes momentarily glowing red from the heat.

Homelander: So do we have an understanding? Get the fuck out of my country.

With her new opponent done speaking, Digital Tempest takes a deep breath to calm down before speaking her first sentence to the psychopathic hero.

Digital Tempest: I'm going to feed you your own heart.

Homelander is left silent... before he breaks out into laughter at the Heroine's words, completely unfazed by Lori's threat...

Homelander: Hahahaha, shit! That was a great lin-

The hero was interrupted by a powerful punch to the jaw from the Heroine, knocking his Santa hat off and his mug away, which also unleashes a shockwave strong enough to knock Bobby's skeleton flying.

With John knocked to the house walls, Digital Tempest follows up with a flurry of punches quick enough to prevent Homelander from using his heat vision against her through the pummeling. She then throws him onto the dining table, with the cocoa mug and its contents falling on his face.

Digital Tempest: You break into my home. Kill my husband. And you think I care about your f**king country? Like I give a f**k...

The defender of American freedom recovers and angrily charges at the Heroine, ramming both of them through the wall and multiple houses. Stopping on the street for a brief moment, he follows up by grabbing Lori's head and grinding it against the ground as he flies, unwittingly crashing into an oil tanker and causing an explosion. A few bystanders witness the scene as both heroes fly into the sky, with Digital Tempest knocking Homelander away with another powerful punch.

Chasing after him, Digital Tempest stops a few feet away from her frustrated opponent who goes to charge at her, but Lori quickly dodges and grabs the back of his head, with John struggling to break free. Noticing a plane coming right for them.

Sensing it was just an empty drone plane with no people inside, Lori turns with John in hand to face it head-on, intent on having it ram into them. Refusing to take a faceful, Homelander uses his heat vision to shoot down the plane and send it crashing to the ground. Digital Tempest was about to draw her weapons when she noticed something about how Homelander fights. He hits the Heroine with an elbow before attempting to use his heat vision against him, but Lori is unfazed by the beam as it hits a barrier and pummels him more before lecturing him.

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