Punch 9: One Dragon Loud Punch

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Here's the next chapter, enjoy! Thanks to JonahShwarts for the majority of help on this chapter, and omegacrow-nexus for the minor help.

Last Time on One Punch Linc...

Linc, with motivation from his siblings and friends, went to take the Hero Exam to get himself recognized as an official hero. After taking the exam and being classified as a C-Class hero, an old and forgotten rival of his civilian life appeared, Chandler McCain, A rich boy who turned himself into a Monster after being rejected for his Hero Exam. He kidnapped Linc and his fellow exam takers, sicking his army of monsters on them in different locations.

But these newly made heroes killed Chandler's monsters and George, an S-Class hero, was the one to take Chandler's life. However, time didn't move correctly as what felt like minutes were actually days. This was caused by a temporal distortion crystal. A crystal that can cause time and space to rip apart, making time flow in random ways, in this case, making the heroes disappear for days rather than minutes.

Instead of dealing with the crystal in a more appropriate way, Linc smashed it with his immense and immeasurable power. Causing a space-time distortion that replaced the Monster Cave with a landscape of trees and a sky-piercing tower.

Now, even though Linc, his fellow examinees, and friends are back home, a new dimension from time and space has shifted into their world. And a few residents of said dimension noticed their power, especially Linc's seemingly bottomless energy. But just who were these residents from the other dimensions? Let's find out. Now!


We pick up where we left off previously, with the two new warriors known as Kakarot and Vegeta flying up alongside the extremely tall pillar they were close to before. After a bit of fast-flying, they soon came into view of a floating half-spherical structure that contained a temple and garden.

 After a bit of fast-flying, they soon came into view of a floating half-spherical structure that contained a temple and garden

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Both warriors then landed on the ground of the temple, approaching a group of numerous fighters who were gearing up.

'Kakarot': Lincoln! Everyone! You won't believe what just happened!

The individual that was known as 'Lincoln' was the first to get his attention caught. The familiar sight of white hair was seen, but this was not the Lincoln originally native to this dimension. This Lincoln is native to the dimension that was pulled into this one.

He was much older than Linc, 21 years of age to be exact. He was almost the height of 'Kakarot' and had a slightly muscular physique with his shite hair down to his neck. He is wearing an orange gi shirt, a blue belt, white gloves like Vegeta's, black martial arts pants, and white boots like Vegeta's.

 He is wearing an orange gi shirt, a blue belt, white gloves like Vegeta's, black martial arts pants, and white boots like Vegeta's

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One-Punch Linc (One Punch Man x Loud House, Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now