Serious Punch 2: The 100% Power Of Memes

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Here's the next part, enjoy!

Linc was walking down the street with a shopping list. 

Linc: Alright I need eggs, milk, toilet paper, and-

Linc then bumps into someone cause he wasn't watching where he was going. 

Linc: Oops. Sorry dude.


Linc looked behind him to see a lanky, teenage male; he is fairly light for his age. He seems to have a very long neck. He also has whiskers on his chin, forming somewhat of a goatee. He usually wears a green V-neck shirt, brown bell-bottom pants, and black platforms

 He usually wears a green V-neck shirt, brown bell-bottom pants, and black platforms

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???: You... Like, who the hell are you...?

Linc: Linc, I'm a hero for fun.

???: Well mister hero for fun. I'm Shaggy Rodgers and you just wasted my meal!

Linc looks at the ground to see that Shaggy had dropped a 10 lb bowl of food. Suddenly Shaggy slugs Linc in the face, causing him to slide back far away. Shaggy then roars and becomes engulfed in green fire and his eyes glowed green as well.

 Shaggy then roars and becomes engulfed in green fire and his eyes glowed green as well

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Shaggy: Like. Get ready asshole.

Shaggy's Current Power Output: 0.1%

Linc landed a punch on the strange man, which Shaggy avoided by ducking down and elbowing the albino hero in the chest, blowing him back. Shaggy rushed at his opponent, throwing out a Ki Blast on Linc and he dodged by jumping over it. The albino kid hero prepared a kick and dropped himself down, but Shaggy countered by grabbing his opponents' leg and slamming him on the ground, then throwing him into a light post.

Shaggy's Current Power Output: 1%


Shaggy roared as he fired a Kamehameha at Linc, destroying the light post and sending the albino hero crashing into a wall. Shaggy smirked but was shocked to see Linc standing up without a scratch.

Linc: That was fun.

He then moved towards the strange man and attempted a down punch, Shaggy dodged on time and fired off a huge blast of Ki. But Linc punched the Ki Blast and caused it to explode in place, he then landed a Lazy Punch on the back of Shaggy's head from behind, sending him flying across the block.

One-Punch Linc (One Punch Man x Loud House, Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now