Punch 4: Monsters of the Family

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Here's the next part, enjoy.

Luna was currently looking around the apartment for Lincoln, then she looked at Eva and Drew.

Luna: Hey, where's Lincoln? 

Eva: Laundromat, he's cleaning some of our dirty clothes.

Luna: Shouldn't you guys do that yourselves?

Drew: Legally speaking, Linc has to do it, but we have offered to help but he said it was fine.

Luna: That probably means-

Eva: It means nothing, Linc's a hard worker and he keeps this apartment together.

Luna: Well, that much is true but still-

Eva interrupted Luna by planting a boot on her head.

Luna: OW!

Eva: You think he's some weakling, but remember he kicked that Dark Moon's ass and dragged her here.

Luna: Yeah but-

Eva planting another boot on Luna's head.


Eva: Your brother has moved on and is working hard to keep this place together, he doesn't need yours or anyone's help.

Drew: Not to mention you are probably too weak to help him in a fight.

Luna: What do you mean?

Drew: I know every hero's record, you haven't fought once since you became a hero. You say you can fight yet training dummies only count for novice practice. A fight out against something with actual skill would wipe the floor with you.

Luna: But what about Eva?

Drew: Eva doesn't need training, cause her skills and powers are complete improvisations, and doesn't require training. Your skills and powers, on the other hand, require a lot of training, of which you have none. However, Dark Moon on the other hand has plenty of training with her powers.

Luna: Don't remind me... 

Drew: Now for a more pressing question that's been on my mind. How'd Dark Moon come to be? Do you take any drugs?

Luna: Not sure to be honest, after I got my powers, Dark Moon appeared out of nowhere, my sister Lisa has been trying to figure that out for 3 years now. As for drugs, the only one I've taken is the one that gave me my powers.

Drew:(thinking) Gonna have to investigate that.

Eva: You need to learn how to control that.

Luna: And how would I do that?

Eva: Dark Moon is just you but a lot more brutal and wild, right? So that just means she's just an extension of you. You just need to compromise.

Luna & Dark Moon:(thinking) Easier said than done with this cunt...... Fuck you.

Luna: Okay. Now it's my turn. So how'd Linc got the two most dangerous Mon- People to live with him?

Eva: I heard that and f*ck you.

Drew: To be honest, that was a day that I never forget.

Eva: Yeah, some random kid just walked up to me while I was having a bad day. I remember it like it happened yesterday.

Drew: You also were about 450 lbs of fat than muscle.

Eva: Shut it.

Eva then leaned back and began leaning back into her spot on the couch as she began retelling how she and Linc met.

One-Punch Linc (One Punch Man x Loud House, Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now