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I'm not dead. My eyes burn, but I open them regardless. There's blood and wires all over the floor. I lift my arm, mostly made of muscle now, and feel my face. The arcade machine must've broken and fell onto me. It was wrecked and melting from overheating anyways. Strange... The man looks at me in shock. "How the hell aren't you dead?" I don't know, and I don't respond. He took the figure, now seen as a knife, and pulled it out of my head. 

I don't remember what happened after that, but I finally woke up.

I was holding a guitar, and there was a dark-purple microphone stand in front of me. I began to sing and my jaw feels as if it's been dislocated. My arm reaches to grab the microphone stand and I scream. My other arm raises to the beat of the song and I scream even louder. I can feel the blood dripping from my body. The pain won't end. I can see the children running up to me, cheering. It causes me to move more. I scream louder. They can't hear me though. "Annie! Annie! Look, it's her! We love you Annie!" I pat all their heads, but they back up from the sight of blood. My blood. I realize what's happening. I am Annie. I'm trapped. It hurt seeing Bee coming to me, crying. "I lost my best friend, can you help me look for her?" I begin to cry... Or is it even my body that's crying? I don't feel alive anymore, so I'm sure it isn't... Me? But I look at him. 

"I'm so sorry, we can try and look for her together... Everything will be okay." We walk to the other segments of the PizzaPlex and I scream in pain for every movement I make.

Finally. He saw the blood. "Annie? I think I saw them in the maintenance room..." I can tell what he's doing. He was always curious. He also judges people from the inside. He brought me there, and took his axe out... But Annie was a security animatronic. She grabs the axe from him and suspends him from the Animatronic Showcase room for three weeks. He could visibly see my sleeves when I pointed towards the maintenance door though. I hope he's able to tell someone about this.

But I don't want to go silent. I want to find him again. I will learn to move on my own. He will pay. Him and Father won't go without punishment. Him and Deen.

Annie, I will teach you how to move... Freely. Have you ever done that? This body built from scrapped metal belongs to the both of us now. I will find them. I will kill them and their careers. We will work as one. Doesn't that sound fun?

I hope I can be free soon. After we are done with the revenge plan, alright?

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