Chapter Three

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So far, school was going good. I've made it through Biology and Geometry, next was lunch. On my way down to the cafeteria, i ran into Harry. 

"Hey shorty." He smiles. 

"Hmm.." I look up at him. 

"What's with you? I haven't talked to you since we first got to school." he asks, his eyebrows in a frown. 

"Well, I'm just trying to get use to all this right now. I'm a little uncomfortable. I'll talk to you after school." I mutter as I walk away looking for Bridget. 

"Hey Leah, over here!" I see Bridget waving to me at the back of the cafeteria. 

I walk over to the table and sit down across from Bridget and her friends. 

"Leah this is Stephanie, Hailey, and Hailey's boyfriend, Josh." Bridget introduces me as she points to each person. 

I let out a small "Hi" and start eating my lunch which was a ham sandwich my mum had made for me. 

"So Leah.. I saw you walking to school with Harry. Are you two a uhh... A couple?" Hailey hesitated. 

"Oh no no, he's my next door neighbor. He asked me to walk with him." I laugh. 

"Oh okay, I was starting to worry a little." She smiles turning her attention back to her lunch. 

"Worry? Why would you worry?" I mumbled, a bit confused. 

"Well Harry's a bit of a troublemaker, and you're a bit.. Too nice for him." Stephanie spoke up. 

"Hmm" I laugh. 

"Aye, I like your accent.. Where you from?" Josh broke the awkward silence. 

"Erm, Philadelphia.. In America" I reply a little confused by the word accent. I thought they had an 'accent' but to them their accent seems normal and mine seems foreign. 

"Nice! why'd you move all the way over here though?" He questions. 

"My mom has to work over here. I really had no choice but to go with her." I sigh. 

"You like it?" Hailey butts in. 

"Not really, I feel out of place. I don't have any friends here, no family--" I start. 

"You've got us." Hailey stops me. 

Her words reminded me of last night, me and Harry sitting in my yard together, with no light but the moon. "You've got me" his last words before his mom called him back inside. I made me wonder.. Why did Bridget tell me he's dangerous? He seemed nice to me. In Holmes Chapel, dangerous must mean caring because Harry was everything but dangerous. 

"Leah.. You coming?" Bridget breaks me from my thoughts. 


"Uhh, the bell rang. We gotta get to class." She laughs. 

I gather my things and follow behind them looking on my roster for my next class. 

Room 100; Ms. Witt, Art. Ooh great, art. I knew I couldn't draw for the life of me, now my whole art class would know. 

I walk slowly and recognize Josh. I scurry over to his table and sit next to him. 

"Oh hey." He smiles. 

"Oh hey?" I question. 

"Haha, I'm sorry. You startled me a bit." He chuckles. 

I laugh and pat him on the shoulder 

"Aw poor Josh." I coo. 

He rolls his eyes, playfully. 

"Psst, Leah!" I hear my name being called from behind me. 

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