Chapter Eighteen

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I wake up to the sound of Harry's light snores and the sun shining into our bedroom.

I roll out of bed, careful not to step on Liam and stumble into the bathroom.

I run a comb through my hair and put it back into a messy bun.

The straps of my tank top are hanging almost to my elbows and the sweats that Harry lent me are on the urge of falling off my bum.

I think this is the worst I've ever looked in the morning.

I splash some water on my face before brushing my teeth and doing my little morning bathroom business.

I creep out of the bathroom trying not to make any noises.

The Tv from the living room is on, so someone has to be up.

I tiptoe into the living room to be greeted by Louis.

"Morning sleepy head." He chuckles with a mouth full of Lucky Charms.

"Morning" I reply in my girlie morning voice.

"Want some?" He asks, holding his cereal bowl to me.

"No thanks, ermm.. where is everyone?" I ask, plopping down on the couch.

"Zayn, Stephanie, Hailey, and Josh went to get breakfast and I believe Niall, Ed, and Andy went out for the day." He answers before sipping his orange juice.

"So Ed did come back last night.." I trail off.

"Yeah, drunk though. He must have found a party.. or a bar.." He laughs.

"Hey, what's up with Zayn and uh.. Stephanie?" He continues, carrying his bowl to the sink.

"Whatcha mean?" I question, dropping an eyebrow.

Louis notices it too! I'm not going crazy. Haha!

"Well, for starters.. Stephanie ended up sleeping on the little bed in my room with Zayn last night. And at the campfire they were getting a little weird if you know what I mean." He giggles.

"Yeah I know, right after Zayn tackled Jim to the ground." I giggle back.

"She was probably like 'Aw Zayn, You're my hero!'" He imitates in a squeaky voice, sending me into a fit of giggles.

"I'm not kidding, I'd probably do that if Zayn saved me." He confirms, returning with another bowl of cereal.

"Lou.." I laugh, slapping his arm.

"What's all the ruckus?" Harry groans as he plops down beside me.

"We were talking about Steph and Zayn." I inform him, laying my head on his bare chest.

"What's going on with those two?" He wonders.

"They'll probably fall in love." Louis adds, gulping a spoonful of cereal.

"Que Sera, Sera.." Harry shrugs.

"What?" Louis drops his spoon.

"It means Whatever will be, will be." I translate.

"What?" He repeats.

"Basically, its like.. if it's meant to happen, it will happen.." Harry dumbs it down.

"Ahh, I see." Louis says in a posh tone.

"Wanna go get some food?" Harry whispers, after kissing my forehead.

I nod and sit upright.

"Just us." He smiles.

He grabs his keys from the side table and ushers me outside.

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