Chapter Eight

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Liam's POV

Leah and I are seated in the living room waiting for Harry who is doing God knows what.

He'll probably come back with a thousand overnight bags. Which reminds me, what the hell am I going to wear all weekend? I have no spare shirts or pants and there's no way I'm driving back to Wolverhampton.

Oh well, I'll just take some of Harry's clothes.

There's an awkward silence filling the room. Leah is staring down at her phone, and I'm just sitting here, like a loner.

"I'll be back" I inform Leah as I jump up off the couch and walk over to Harry's flat.

"Hey, Haz?" I call as soon as I walk through the front door.

"I'm in my room" he answers.

I climb up the wooden stairs and slip into Harry's room, to find Harry sitting on the floor with his whole closet practically in front of him.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I chuckle at the pile of clothes before me.

"I don't know what to bring mate." Harry sighs, tangling his hands in his hair.

"We're basically just going camping, no need to be all dressy." I shrug.

"I want to impress Leah." He mumbles throwing himself on the beige carpet, now staring at the white ceiling.

"Ah, I see." I plop down next to him.

"Help me Leeeeeeyum!" He groans, rubbing his hands over his face.

I crawl over to the pile of clothes and start throwing things into a duffle bag.

T-shirts, plaid shirts, button-down shirts, my shirt.. Wait why does Harry have my shirt?

Anyway, Jeans, sweats, boxers, socks, converse, a couple beanies, Harry's guitar and some hoodies for the both of us.

"All packed. Just be yourself mate." I jump to my feet, helping Harry stand as well.

"Let's go get Leah." Harry suggests as we trot back downstairs with our bags.

Leah's POV

I've just finished packing with the help of my mom, and Harry's mom.. Some what.

I decided on packing some sweatshirts, tank tops, shorts, converse, vans, and a hoodie or two.

The thought of being in the woods kind of scares me.

If we aren't staying in a cabin, I will walk all the way back to Holmes Chapel.

Wait, where is the woods from here anyway? Oh God, what if I get lost and I die in the middle of the woods?

Stop. Think happy thoughts Leah.

I'll just throw Harry at Bigfoot if he pays a visit.

Does England even have a Bigfoot? He's like a celebrity in America.

Ok, I'm officially going crazy.

"Leah! Harry's here!" My mom calls up the stairs to me.

Before I have a chance to answer, two pairs of heavy footsteps echo on the wooden floors, leading up to my room.

"Hey, hey, hey" Harry pops his head in, followed by Liam.

"Hey" I let out a light giggle.

"That's all you're bringing?" Liam asks, pointing to my two small bags leaning against my wall.

"Yeah, it should be enough. If it's not then I'll just.... I'll um, steal your clothes." I mumble, hoping Harry doesn't hear.

"Yeah, sure" He laughs.

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