Chapter Thirteen

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Harry's POV

Leah is in our bedroom getting ready to go out while I'm sat in the living room with the boys.

It sounds pretty weird saying 'our bedroom' but oh well, it's better than saying 'Zayn and Leah's bedroom' or 'Leah and Louis' bedroom'. Considering she barely knows them. And plus, I wouldn't like that one bit. Leah's safe with me, I know their all my mates but it makes me feel better when I can protect her, even in a peaceful state such as sleep.

"So Harold.." Louis breaks the silence.

Why is he calling me Harold?

"So... Uh... Lewis.." I play along

"Ew don't call me Lewis.. Um anyway, where are you two going?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well um, I was thinkin' about taking her to a movie.." I lie.

By now everyone's eyes are focused on me.

"A movie?" Louis drops an eyebrow.

"What's so bad about a movie?" I asks confused.

"Well you see Harold.. Everyone takes a girl to the theater on a first date. It's all the same.. The guy takes her to see a scary movie because he knows a girl is easily scared.. And then when she jumps in fright he holds her in his arms because he feels like a big shot and then he-" Louis babbles until I cut him off.

"Ok ok. No movie. And it's not a date. We're just friends." I lie.

"Just friends.. That's what they all say pretty boy!" Louis' voice getting louder as I walk away.

I walk down the hall until I reach my bedroom door, I know that Leah is inside but it's awfully quiet.

"Leah?" I tap on the door, my voice low.

No answer. What could she be doing?

I turn the door knob slowing pushing the door open as I step into the brightly lit room.

Why are all the lights on?

Sat in the corner is Leah, fumbling around in her bag. Probably looking for an outfit.

"Hey love.. What've you been doing all this time?" I ask, sitting down next to her.

"I can't decide on what to wear." She sighs.

"Well, I'll help. Show me something." I suggest.

"Ok so, I can't decide over these two outfits.." She tells me, holding up two complete outfits.

The one is a pair of stone-washed shorty shorts and a plain white tee-shirt, and the other one is a pair of long jeans and a black tee-shirt.

"Well it's not that chilly outside so I would wear shorts. I have some extra jackets in my car of it does get a little nippy. I inform her.

She nods in agreement then leaves the room with the outfit I had picked out.

Now what the hell am I going to wear?

Digging through my over night bag, I pull out a pair of dark-washed jeans and a black 'Hipsta Please' tee-shirt.

I throw on my new shirt and jeans followed by my white Chuck Taylor's.

I brush my hair to the side with my hand and throw an olive colored beanie over it.

Beanies are great, when I don't feel like doing my hair -like today- I just throw one on.

I swiftly turn around as I hear the bathroom door open.

"Do I look okay?" Leah's small voice calls out.

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