Chapter Sixteen

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-Katie :) x

The car comes to a stop and before I know it, we're back at the bungalow.

Hailey's been quiet the whole ride here. She's probably pissed about having to spend her whole weekend at the bungalow... With Harry.

Which I'm still mindfucked about.

Hailey and Harry?

Why didn't anyone tell me from the start?

"Hey" Harry smiles to me as he walks over to the car, helping me jump down.

He must not have seen Hailey yet.

"Hey there" I chuckle, kissing him on the cheek.

"Where did you guys-" He starts before looking past me when he hears the back door of the car slam shut.

I turn in the direction of the noise to see Hailey with an "I'm gonna kill Josh" look still on her face.

I can hear Harry gulp nervously as she passed us, walking into the bungalow behind Josh.

"Why is she here?" Harry mutters.

"She's Josh's girlfriend" I whisper.

He sighs and pulls me inside, walking me straight to our bedroom.

"Harry.." I start as he slams the door behind us, pacing back and foward.

"Harry, are you okay?" I mutter, placing a hand on his massive shoulder.

"Yeah.. Yeah I'm fine.. Erm, let's do something. You wanna do something?" He turns around, russeling his curls.

He seems awfully nervous.

"Um. Okay? Yeah. What do you wanna do?" I look at him with strange eyes.

"Anything! We can take a walk.. Play soccer.. Wanna play soccer?" He gushes.

"Harry.. Calm down, please?" I whisper, grabbing his face before I kiss his nose.

He sighs and nods, throwing himself on the bed.

I do the same, laying my head on his stomach, feeling it rise and fall under me.

His heartbeat is going at a fast pace, probably faster than usual. Is it because Hailey's here?

I sigh boredly, pulling his t-shirt up to reveal his belly button and a happy-trail of tiny hairs.

I begin rubbing circles and lightly moving my fingers on his tummy, which seems to be calming him down.

He starts to move under my touch and soon sits up, pulling me into his arms.

"Thanks" he whispers before kissing my forehead.

"For what?" I ask, dropping my eyebrows in confusion.

"For being there for me..." He mutters, his green orbs looking into my brown ones as he squeezes me just a little tighter as he presses his plump lips to mine.

There's a faint knock at the door, breaking the mood.

"Come in" Harry calls out.

The doors creaks open to reveal Andy and Ed.

"Haz.. It's getting dark outside" Andy mutters, as if it should matter.

"So?" Harry chuckles.

"But Haz.. Its getting dark... Outside." Ed repeats, wide-eyed.

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