Chapter Twenty Seven

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[A/N: brace yourselves because a lot is about to happen! :) some of you may think it's all too much but I just think I need to add a bit more drama and suspense to these chapters. hope you like it !! so erm.. yeah, sorry? lol ^_^ .. much love - Katie .xx ]

Leah's POV

After about an hour or two of goofing around with the boys, Steph, and Hailey, the movie is nearly over. We decide to just turn it off because not one of us has paid any attention to it since Liam and Andy started wrestling.

"Okay, I'm done." Liam pants, standing to his feet once Andy lets him out of a sleeper hold.

"What do you guys wanna do now?" Niall asks the group.

"Well, we could watch another movie..." Zayn suggests, everyone groans at his suggestion.

I totally agree with them, movies are getting pretty boring now, considering nobody really pays much attention to them. Maybe we can't watch movies as a group anymore. We just have too much fun with nothing while we're all together!

"Well, I think I'll be heading home soon." Ed informs us.

Andy nods in agreement.

"We could all just... sit and chat then.. 'til everyone decides to head out." Harry suggests.

"Sounds... alright.. I mean, there's nothing else to do.." Louis agrees.

Shortly after a couple moments of silence, we all follow Harry and Louis outback. We gather around Zayn's table and talk about a bunch of randomness.

"So, I know we keep asking you this but, how do ya like Holmes Chapel.. and shit, Leah?" Niall chuckles.

I take a deep breath and sigh, "I don't know how I feel about this place.. it's just so different... maybe a little too different. I miss home-" I start before I notice Harry suddenly taking an interest in his shoes.

"-But I'm willing to learn to love it.. as long as I have all you guys by my side every step of the way." I finish, cracking a smile.

Everyone stares at me with huge smiles, all but Harry. He's sat in the chair next to mine, carefully studying my face. I don't ask why, but I stare right back at him, watching as his eyes move up and down my still features. Not long after, he let's a smirk creep it's way onto his face.

The boys attention is now completely all over Harry as Stephanie and Hailey are both focused on me. They stay silent as they wait for either me or Harry to speak, but neither of us seem to know what to say. We just continue studying each other. Every eye movement, every breath. Every thought of mine at this exact moment seems to be studied by the curly haired boy. His facial expression changing every now and then makes me wonder what's going through his head.

"Harry..." Louis breaks the silence.

"Hmm?" He snaps back to reality.

The boys chuckle, "What's up dude?" Andy jokes.

"I-I just can't seem to find the words to say what's on my mind." He breaks.

"Just go with the flooow." Hailey encourages him with some weird arm movement.

He prepares himself with a long sigh, slowly moving his chair closer to mine as he reaches for my hand. His large hand covers my small one as he rubs circles on the top, while leaning forward in his seat to look me straight in the eye.

"I love you Leah. You've been my rock since the night your mum invited us for dinner. I knew there was something about you ever since that day, I was determined to make you mine and I did it. Words cannot describe what you mean to me. You're the reason why I didn't just give up on everything and everyone, You're the reason why I realized I don't have to start a fight to get by in life. I just love you." Harry ends, causing everyone, including me to sit in our seats speechless.

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