Chapter Twenty Nine

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"He'll never learn, will he?" Liam responds to Harry's explanation. Harry shakes his head, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"Whatever happened to them two? They were a couple of the nicest kids in Cheshire-" Liam comments.

"-And now they're a couple of jail birds." Niall adds as he takes a bite of a breakfast sandwich.

Harry chuckles to himself and glares at the rearview mirror.

"Don't get that all over my floor Niall." He smiles.

"I won't Haz." Niall answers with a mouth full.

Moments later, we arrive at the school. Liam and Niall step out first, making their way over to Josh's truck. Harry grabs his bag as I do the same, following Niall and Liam over to the truck.

"He better not show up any where today. I'll tear him a new one." Josh snarls.

"Just stop please, this is already too much to go through on a Monday. If he shows up somewhere, that's when you guys can handle it. Other than that, can we all try to have a normal school day? It'll be a long day as it is, we're all suppose to meet the rest of the boys to go to London if you're all forgetting." Hailey breaks, soon walking away from the group and to the front steps of our school where we notice Stephanie sitting.

"Hey what's up?" Liam speaks as we walk toward the steps.
"Nada, got here really really early cause I forgot to work on a book project." Steph giggles, gripping the book she holds in her hands.
"Well put that book down because stuff's happened this morning. Oh my, it's been a crazy morning." Hailey tells Stephanie has she takes a seat beside her.
"What do you mean?" She asks, gripping her book a little tighter.
"So, Kevin smashed my window with a rock earlier." Hailey lets out.
"You're kidding." Steph seems puzzled.
"If I was kidding, I'm sure I'd still be at home getting ready for school. I'm scared shitless right now." Hailey explains.
"What's wrong with that kid? He'll never learn will he?" Stephanie shouts.
"We'll take care of it, don't worry about any of it." Liam tells Steph.
"We should start heading toward our classes or lockers or whatever, yeah?" Harry butts in.
He looks at me some what nervously and reaches for my hand.
"We'll see you guys at lunch?" I say to the group making it sound more like a question than a promise as Harry pulls me through the front doors of the building.
"Are you alright?" I look up at him.
"Yeah I'm fine, why?" He frowns.
"You just seem like you're in a rush." I shrug as we approach my locker.
Harry leans on the locker beside mine and sighs. "It just really bothers me that we can't do anything without having Kevin or Jim trying to ruin it."
He's right. It seems like every time we do something they try messing it up, like the weekend we went to Harry's bungalow, Jim caused trouble. And when we got home, Harry ended up fighting Kevin. Is it always like this?
"Hey, don't let them ruin your day. There's more of you guys than there are them. The boys will be there if they try something again and eventually they'll learn not to mess with us. We'll all just have to keep an eye out when we go to London after school." I tell him, hoping it'll cheer him up.
"Yeah...-" He starts as the bell rings.
"Should get to class, come on." I rush, pulling Harry through the crowd trying to make it to Biology.
"Class, take a seat.. take out your books, we'll be discussing DNA and RNA throughout the week." Mr. Green informs us.
Harry takes a seat beside me and begins flipping the pages to his textbook loudly.
"Styles, can you explain to the class what DNA and RNA does?" Mr. Green smirks.
"Uh.. No sir I'm sorry." Harry sighs, leaning his head on his hand.
"Figured that." Mr. Green mumbles, walking to his desk grabbing a pile of handouts.
Completely in shock of how the teacher responded I look at Harry who is now hiding his face under his messy hair.
"Haz, what's wrong? Don't lie to me." I whisper.
"Leah, I'm fine. I just didn't get a good enough sleep last night." He mumbles.
I nod, placing my hand on his back gently rubbing. a wave of tension seems to be lifted from him but he still seems anxious.
He shortly looks up and looks me in the eye before speaking.
"I'm sorry Mr. Green, I'm not feeling so well. May I excuse myself?" He asks, he's voice shaky.
Mr. Green shrugs and continues handing out his worksheets.
Harry turns to me kissing me on the cheek then disappears from the class, going God knows where.
"Alright, so these papers will explain the basics of DNA and RNA. Today we'll learn about the amino acids that make up DNA." He explains as he reaches my desk handing me a paper, realizing that Harry took his bag with him.
"Where'd he go?" He whispers confused.
"I have no idea." I response, slightly mocking his confused facial expression.
He shakes his head walking away.
There's not much I can do right now. I could text Harry and ask where he went or I can't just finish this class and hope to see him in our other classes.
"-So if you take a look at the first paragraph you will see that DNA is made up of four amino acids. Adenine which is always bonded to the amino acid Thymine and Guanine which will always be bonded to Cytosine...-" He starts.
He goes on about the meaning of DNA and the sugars and all the other jibber jabber and before I know it class is over. I rush to gather my things and head straight to my locker. I pull out my phone carefully checking to see if any teachers are around and dial Josh's number.
After one ring it goes to voicemail.
"Yo Leah, I'm right here. What's wrong?" The familiar voice calls from behind.
"Have you seen Harry? Has he talked to you?" I question.
"No, not since we split up this morning. Why? Is he alright?" He asks, turning his eyebrows into frowns.
"I don't know. We we're in Biology and he didn't seem right, he just walked out." I explain, a bit of nervousness failing to hide itself in my fragile voice.
"Alright, alright we'll find him. Don't get yourself worked up. Just go to your next class and I'll pull Liam to help me find him." Josh tells me reaching out for a hug.
I hug him tightly, trusting every word he says to me.
"Hailey's in your next class right? Tell her what's going on and we'll keep in touch. If I'm not back by lunch, call me." Josh tells me before running down the hallway probably to find Liam before he goes to class.
I grab my Geometry book and head to class.
On my way there I run into Hailey. I tell her everything before we go into the class.
"Why though? He seemed okay earlier." She responds.
"Exactly. I told Josh and he said he would look for him with Liam. You don't think he would've went home do you? Or to Jim's house?" I ask hesitantly.
"I really don't know. All we can do now is wait. Let's just try to get through this class." She sighs, ushering me through the door.

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