Chapter 7

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It was getting close to midnight by the time they were driving back home

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It was getting close to midnight by the time they were driving back home. Jordan was in the back seat on his switch that he had supposedly grabbed before leaving the house. Kristine had her jaw set as she tapped on the steering wheel while driving.

"You need to let Miley go, Levi. Enough is enough. She's always treated you like shit and now she almost gave you a concussion. You need to break things off with her and don't talk to her anymore. Women like her have a way of realing you back in. I knew I didn't like her from the start. Now I know why."

"I-I know..." Levi sighed. "I already broke things off with her tonight. That's why she was so mad. I... I didn't know what to do, so I thought I would kick her out in the morning."

"Oh. I'm glad you did. I'm really sorry you two just didn't work out, but you deserve way better Levi. You need someone who cares about you and loves you. Never settle for anyone less."

"You know, everyone needs a best friend like you, Kris, who isn't afraid to knock some since into them no matter the situation," Levi admitted.

"Hey, everyone needs a knock on the head sometimes."

"And I think Kris is smart on another level. I mean, she's still single and she's doing better off than most people," Jordan said suddenly.

"Well, what about Angela Joel? What happened to her?" Kristine chuckled. "I thought you said you wanted to marry her when you two went to Homecoming?"

"You mean the Angela Joel that ditched me for Sherman Patel a couple days later," Jordan retorted.

"Oh. Is that what happened? I'm sorry," Kristine apologized.

"I suppose it's all good because she ditched him later to go with Jonathan Gibbs," Jordan replied.

"Wait, why is that so great?" Levi inquired. "Am I missing something?"

"Oh, Sherman is Jordan's arch nemesis because he has a smoother tongue and beats him in all the debates in school. He also was elected the president of the debate team instead of Jordan."

"He's such a stuck up snob," Jordan groaned. "Takes every chance he can to top me just for the sick pleasure of it."

Levi laughed. "Ok. I get it now."

Kristine grinned. It had been awhile since she heard Levi genuinely laugh. She missed it.

"For the record, Angela is a great girl. She's not just dating to date. She's breaking up with a lot of boys because she knows when it's not going to work out and ends it quickly as possible," Jordan added.

"Yeah, I get that," Levi admitted.

"He dated a lot in high school," Kristine replied. "Didn't you actually date Amy for a short time?"

"Yeah, but she broke it off with me because she didn't think we were compatible, but we remained friends. Kristine never dated though."

"I mean, I don't need no man," Kristine chuckled.

"Of course not. You're the most independent person I ever met and I admire you for it."

Kristine grinned. Maybe even blushed a little? "Hey, ever think I envied how you could just talk to people?"

Levi shrugged. "You used to write songs with me," he said suddenly. "Why did you quit?"

She shrugged as she parked the car. "You started writing them with Miley, so I didn't want to intrude. You know, make her jealous or something. I never quit writing songs though. I've got a few laying around in my room when inspiration hit."

"We should get those on tracks," Levi said.

"I mean, if you think so. You should probably read them first before you proclaim them decent enough to be put on spotify or something."

"I'd love to read them, I miss that," Levi said.

"Yo, are you two just going to sit there, or are we going in the apartment because I want a slice of that pizza I never got to eat," Jordan interjected.

"Sorry, JB," Kristine said. They went in the cold to get into the apartment building. Once they were inside, her and Levi collapsed on the couch while Jordan grabbed the pizza out of the refrigerator to heat up in the microwave.

"What a day," she groaned.

Levi chuckled. "You can say that again. What happened to you two?"

"Debi," Kristine answered bitterly.


"She totalled my phone too," Jordan complained. "It was a really nice phone too."

"Wait, she broke it? On purpose?"

"It's Debi. What do you expect," Jordan muttered.

"Ouch. I'm glad I have parents that aren't like that."

"Way to rub it in that you have the perfect parents," Kristine sighed.

"My parents aren't perfect. No one is, but they certainly try their hardest. They doubted that I would ever get far with my music."

"Yeah, but they supported you in spite of that. They're great. Your mom also makes the best cookies when I came over."

He chuckled. "It's been a long time since I've had them. Maybe it's time I fly to California and pay them a visit soon. I should have gone this Christmas, but Miley didn't want that."

"Hey, you still have time to buy a ticket and surprise them. Your parents would love that and I think you might need it after what happen between you and Miley."

"That's right. If I plan it right, I think I can get there by Christmas Eve. Or even sooner. Guess I'm flying to California in a few days."


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