Chapter 11

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It was two in the morning when Kristine's phone started buzzing and ringing

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It was two in the morning when Kristine's phone started buzzing and ringing. She groaned and rolled over. Picking it up with full intentions of hanging up, she somehow managed to read the screen. Jordan? Why was he calling her at two in the morning?

Concern and fear immediately entered her system as she fumbled to answer the call. Her heart started pounding, knowing something had to be wrong. May the universe be in his favor if nothing was actually wrong, because she swore she would kill him herself.


"Hey..." His voice was shaking. "Um... Dad was drunk earlier. He was at a bar and decided to drive home on his own. There was an accident..."

"Oh, my god," Kristine gasped. "Is he ok? Jordan, tell me if he's ok!"

"I don't know. I just know he's in the emergency room and Debi's driving us there. It's the one closest to our house."

"Don't worry, I'm on my way," Kristine assured. "Take deep breaths."

"I'm breathing," Jordan said.

"I was talking to myself, but yes, you too," she added. "I have to hang up now. You good?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just worried. Be careful on the road, Kris..."

"I will. Promise," she answered soothingly before they hung up.

Kristine ran and slipped her shoes on. She grabbed her coat and keys and ran out the door. She did her best to be careful on the road, but she could feel her anxiety growing by the second. She took deep breaths in order to calm herself.

When she reached the hospital, she ran inside. Thankfully, no one was waiting in line, so she could just run up to desk. "Do you have a patient under the name Dan Baker? Car accident?"

"Yes, no one can see him yet, but he has family waiting to see him in the other room."

"I'll go meet up with them then," she said, trying to gain her breath.

The desk woman pointed in the direction and Kristine walked briskly to the other room. She scanned the room and immediately spotted Debi and Jordan. Her heart stopped when she realized a nurse was talking to them. The look on Jordan's face told her that it was not good news.

Kristine walked over and Jordan sat down on one of the chairs, looking defeated. "What's the update?" She managed to ask, but her voice cracked.

The nurse looked at her and gave her a sympathetic look. "He's passed on. There was nothing we could do to help him. Sorry."

She felt the blood drain her face. Her father was gone? The same father that took her on fun camping trips, the one that loved her and constantly sacrificed so much for her. The same father she had watched slowly fall away upon the loss of Dixie. If only she had tried to do something more to help him.

Jordan's sob brought her back to reality. Her eyes jerked in his direction as a sudden realization hit her. Jordan was an orphan. Both his biological parents died. Now all he had left was her and their stepmother, Debi. What did that mean for him?

She would have to figure it out later. First, she needed to get a hold of herself. She needed to be strong at that very moment. Jordan needed her, and as long as he did, she would be strong and help him through it. Then she could think about mourning.

Taking action, she sat in the seat next to him and wrapped her arm around him in attempt to comfort him. They could hear Debi crying hysterically, but they knew her. It wasn't because she was heart broken. It was because now she didn't have her husband to pay the bills anymore. She was already listing all the things she would have to take care of out loud.

"Ignore her," Kristine whispered quietly.

It was hard to though. The nurse was trying to help, but it wasn't working. Kristine felt bad to leave Debi to the nurse.

"Hey, Debi, it's going to be alright," Kristine spoke as calmly as possible.

For moment, the woman grew silent and stared at her. Then she nodded as if finally clearing her head. Kristine saw the moment when it finally clicked and Debi began to start planning instead of feeling sorry for herself.

As much as Kristine hated the woman, she had to admit the woman knew how to get herself around. She wouldn't be surprised if she remarried within a year simply for financial purposes, but she wasn't in the mood to judge at the moment and was simply grateful for the silence.

 She wouldn't be surprised if she remarried within a year simply for financial purposes, but she wasn't in the mood to judge at the moment and was simply grateful for the silence

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