the void state

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The void state, also known as the god state, is a state of consciences. You are pure consciousness. You are everything and nothing at the same time.
A lot of people actually enter this state on accident without even noticing it !
What position am i in ? What time is it ? Where am i ? Howd I get here ? These are questions that come up when you enter the void state.
(People say that they can't really hear anything while in this state. They also cant feel anything. again its different for everyone)

When you realize you are in the void state your supposed to say and affirm your affirmations.
'I am' affirmations work really well in this state !!
Examples: i am in my dr, i am shifting, etc.
In this state, wish it and it is yours !!
The void state can take anywhere between 15-30 minutes to get in to, but once you enter it shifting from there is supposedly very easy !!

Its said that the void space looks pitch black. There have been a few shifters who said they saw stars while in this state.
The symptoms are different for everyone. Though, you supposedly feel as if you are being sucked when entering the void state. After, you should feel like your floating (again not a big deal if you dont feel this way)

How to get there: steps

1) set your intention
2)(optional)  listen to a short guided meditation (i do recommend doing this, i always do and it helps me)
3)lay down in any comfortable position
4)control your breathing (like in 4 out 4, whatever you would like)
You dont want your mind to be distracted or "murky"
5)affirm. "I am pure conscious and not attached to any reality." "I am in the void state." "I am more than my physical body because i am more than physical matter."
-at this point you should feel like your entering the void state. Its like a gut feeling that you need to trust
Here are some common symptoms: feeling detached (from yourself and surroundings), spinning, feeling as if your falling. These are some of the ways you know youve entered the void state
6) switch your affirmations. Start saying affirmations about shifting to your dr.
Some affirmations you can say: "i am ___ (dr name)." "I am ____(dr age) years old." "My close friends are _____."
7) you should eventually make it to your dr

Two ways to use the void state:
1- you enter it and than do your method
2- or just wake up in your dr straight from the void method

(Ive honestly just found it easier to enter the void and wake up in my dr instead of doing a method after entering it.)

Guys, i really recommend giving this a shot. So many people have said that this has helped them shift easier and most effectively.
Once you get the hang of this, you should be able to shift whenever, entering the void.

Its easiest to get to get void state when your tired. You really just need to believe that you will shift and say your affirmations

It can take 15 minutes to a little over an hour to enter the void state. It all really depends on how experienced you are into getting into this state. The more you enter it the easier it becomes. Again, in the void state you may find urself asking questions like "where am i" and that's a sign congratulations ! Getting to the void state works best when your awake.

A/n alright guys this was a long one. I tried to include as much information as I could. All of this is research done. Guys please give this a shot.

☆𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠; 𝐚 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤☆Where stories live. Discover now