7 - The Wedding : Advice From The Ocean

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"I don't really understand technology but all your projects sounded impressive, work hard na, I'll visit the project that you're working on with my son.", War's dad said while chuckling.

"By all means please visit the museum once it's opened. We're making sure it'll be the best museum in Asia at the very least", Yin said with so much confidence.

Yin had been walking beside War's dad around the resort for a little over 30 min, making small talk about his works. So far not a question about his 'relationship' with War, but Yin knew it's coming once they walked towards the open beach.

"Maybe I should hire you to improve my dairy factory system too", he said while laughing lightly.

"That actually can be arranged sir", Yin answered lightly, putting his hand deeper into his pocket.

War's dad then stopped walking when they reached the shore, staring into the vast ocean and the sun that's about to set above the horizon. They both had taken their footwear off and just let their feet being swept by the waves. It was truly a beautiful place to be bonded in a sacred marriage.

"Khun Anan", War's dad addressed Yin, which he answered by turning his head.

"Yes sir"

"I don't know if my son had told you about us yet but our relationship isn't exactly good right not", he paused, "I.....I've done him so wrong that he probably hates me, I understand if he does, but he still talks and asks how I am doing, like a good son that he is"

Yin didn't expect this topic to be brought up here. He initially thought that he'd have to use a little bit of convincing to make War talk later but here he is, listening to the thing that worries him straight from none other than War's dad himself. Yin felt like War's dad wasn't done talking yet and was just collecting his thoughts so he waited until he continued.

"I'm an old man, with an old mindset. So, it was hard for me to come into terms about my son's preference. I rejected him so harshly and even when my wife had accepted him and started to reach out to him, I was still stubborn with my rejection", War's dad said, staring out at the ocean.

"You've been talking in past tense, I've noticed", Yin said, ever so quietly as to not disturb the man's thought.

"You're very observant, khun Anan", he said turning and smiling at Yin.

"Yes, it was all in the past", he continued, "When I realized that I had terribly hurt my son and lost his trust, that's when I realized how selfish I was towards him", he paused again.

Yin who had been observing his expression was almost convinced that his eyes glistened for a brief second.

"I thought I've lost him, I am so afraid of losing him", War's dad said shakily, making Yin realized that he had genuine fear of losing War.

"I've never been good with feelings or words, so I don't know how to start a conversation. Let alone to apologize and to let him know that I've accepted him and only wish happiness for him. How am I gonna do that if he hates me-"

"War doesn't hate you, sir",  Yin cut him off, "Sorry for cutting you off mid sentence but I'm pretty sure he doesn't hate you"

"How do you know that?"

"We've only been dating for a little over a month but I've known him for almost 8 years. He isn't the type of person who hold grudges, even to strangers who hurt him. He wouldn't hold it against you. He's most definitely sad about what happened that severed your relationship, but I doubt that he hates you", Yin firmly said, part of his words might be a lie but most of it, including how he knows so much about War, was nothing but truth.

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