12 - Operation Mending Heart

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"Good morning boss, glad to have you back", the receptionist greeted Yin first thing in the morning on his first day going back to the office, "Did you enjoy your trip boss? You look happy", she teased.

"I did", Yin said smiling with Bver following behind him. The man shook his head seeing his best friend being so obvious.

Many things had happened in the span of five days, both bad and good things had led him to this point where he was no longer War's rival. After their talk on the beach and the vague confession, Yin had come to terms with his feelings. He had doubts and was unsure of his feelings but he was no longer doubtful. After seeing War at his weakest point after his ex-lover reappeared in his life, the urge to always make sure War never had to go through that kind of pain just surged through. At that point, Yin had come to a realization that he had been falling and it's not the kind where he's content with just admiring from afar. No, Yin was falling hard enough that he wanted to be with War.

"Has War come to the office yet?", Yin asked Bver while checking his schedule. He wasn't looking forward to the bunch of canceled meetings he had to attend today.

"Not yet, his assistant said he'd be coming to the office after lunch break. He has some meetings to catch up this morning as well", Bver said as both of them entered the lift.

"Of course", Yin sighed.

After their trip, Yin was worried that War would distant himself like before and frankly, he did slightly keep his distance with Yin, but this time he still left an opening for Yin to stay as friend. War said he's tired of bickering with Yin and thought it's pointless anyway. Yin knows War needs some time and he respects that. However, this time, Yin refused to back down. Not when he's already accepted and embraced his feelings for War.

He's determined to make way into War's heart in order to openly love him the way he wants.

"Did Mai try something while I was away?", Yin asked again once they were inside his private office.

"No, probably because War was with you as well, but it's too early to celebrate"

"I know...", Yin sat down on his chair with a thump, "About the extra protection for War, how's that coming along?"

"It's working without any problem so far. Fortunately, War's assistant cooperates with us", Bver said while putting a bunch of documents on Yin's desk, "Try to focus, you'll be busy for a while. I'll take care of the rest"

"Thanks bro", Yin said as Bver walked out of his office.

Yin knew he had a mountain of documents to check and sign, he also need to check some meetings materials. He really didn't have time to think about anything else but he couldn't help it. Everything would be much easier if War didn't keep Mai's terror a secret. However, after many discoveries during their trip, Yin came to an understanding. Because of a particularly bad break up, War surrounds himself with high walls and is no longer easy to trust others, that's why he tends to take things in his own hand instead of asking help from others.

If Yin really wanted to be with War, he needs to make some efforts to gain his trust first before he could even think about how to win his heart and Yin already had a plan.


"Aw Nong! It's been a while, are you getting cuter?"

Yin smiled hearing the voice of the front desk lady on his floor, already knew who was the person she was talking to. Frankly, Yin had been waiting for him.

"Aww phi, was I not cute before?", War whined, Yin already pictured the adorable pout on his face.

As usual, War would mingle with the staffs on Yin's floor before entering the office and the mood on the whole floor would lighten up. Yin noticed this before but it's become more apparent now when Yin was falling for the man. He listened closely to the sound of War's pair of sneaker before the man entered the office.

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