17 - Epiphany

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War couldn't remember the last time he had to go to the hospital, nor why he had to go but one thing he was sure that he oddly loves the atmosphere of it. It's probably how quiet it is, or the smell of disinfectant which align with how hygienic this place must be. It lulls him and makes his head quieted down.

Since War arrived at the hospital pretty late and he was fine over all, the doctor just gave him the counter drug and made him stay in the hospital over night for observation. War was in and out of a delirious sleep all night and when the fog cleared up from his head, the sun already peeked outside the window.

He knew what had happened to him. He was fairly conscious when it happened up until he was rescued. Even in the middle of his daze he was aware of what was happening and what was said. As scary as it was, things were made pretty clear that night.

One, he needs professional help for his fear of relationship and he would seek it as soon as possible.

Two, he needs professional help because he doesn't want to use his trauma to reject any type of relationship. War doesn't want to run away from Yin anymore.

When War was abducted and his body gave in to the drug he thought he was done for but then a strong pair of arms provided him with warmth and security. Then that voice, Yin's voice pulled him out of the delirious state, just a little bit for him to utter what exactly happened.

War was very aware of Ritz's presence in the room, but somehow he was very calm. The anxiety and panic that always comes with the presence of Ritz didn't come even though the situation was tense. War didn't realize this because of his drugged state, but Yin's embrace seemed to be enough for War to make him feel safe.

War got his epiphany when he was slowly regaining control over his body. He knew he already fell in love with Yin, he realized both of their feelings are requited for quite some time. The only thing that kept him from approaching relationship is his own fear. He rejected and hurt Yin along the way of trying to protect himself.

What happened to him in his college years was not his fault. Someone destroyed his trust and gaslighted him, made him believe that his pain was his own fault. The incident last night, Ritz's confessions and his indirect apology, kind of gave War a closure he didn't know he needed.

He'll deal with himself and then face Yin head on. He wants to tell Yin that now, he is as committed as he is in building the relationship between the two of them. For that he wanted to tell Yin to wait a little bit, to tell him sorry and to tell him he loves him. War wanted to tell Yin a lot of things.

However, since he opened his eyes throughout his restless morning, he hasn't seen Yin. War was sure, Yin was there, he wouldn't forget feeling well protected in his arms last night. He only remembered Prat checking up on him earlier this morning before leaving to gather War's belongings in police station and because of that War couldn't even call Yin because he didn't have his phone.

War was getting even more restless after a visiting doctor checked up on his condition and gave him an ok to go. Still, no Yin in sight until noon when Prat came around to help him get discharged.

"Prat, do you have my phone?", War asked Prat the first thing the assistant walked in with War's hand bag.

"Yes, but it's off. You need to charge it first before using it", Prat said, while digging into the bag to find the phone and passed it on War.

War clicked his tongue in frustration while looking at the black screen. Just about his luck, when he wants to see Yin, the universe seems keen to make it harder.

"What's wrong? Do you need to contact someone?", Prat who sensed his frustration asked.

"No... I mean, yes, It's Yin. I... want to talk to him. Was he not here?", War said in a rush.

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