13 - The Ripples Begin

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"I didn't know he said that", War said after learning the full conversation between his father and Yin,"Well, he told me about it but not to this extent"

He had calmed down after crying in his father's embrace. Feeling relieved that a huge chunk of burden had been lifted from his shoulder. It's almost felt like a dream that he's talking to his dad so casually like this. His dad was talking about how big help Yin has been. Not only he facilitated him, it was Yin who convinced and motivated War's father to apologize and mended the relationship between the two.

"He was probably afraid that you think he meddles too much", War's dad said, smiling softly. "I'm glad, I can be at ease."

"Huh? Why?"

His dad looked at War with a soft gaze and smiled, "I'm relieved that you have Yin. You're with someone who treasure you. I hope the two of you nothing but happiness, always."

The uncertain feelings he had for Yin resurfaced and made him even more uncomfortable. After all, what they have now is nothing more than a pretend relationship, done purely for a mutual benefit. It wasn't something genuine and the realization made the guilt punch through War in an instant after hearing his dad sincerely wished him and Yin's happiness.


The elevator dinged, signaling the elevator had reached the floor War was going to. The sound pulled him out of his thoughts and he sighed, walking out of it with heavy step. Making up with his dad and all the talk had been both relieving and bothering War. He's relieved and grateful that his close relationship with his dad was regained but also bothered by his own guilt after his dad wished happiness upon his fake relationship with Yin. He wondered what happened when the term ended and they had to break up. Will he disappoint his father then?

Not to mention, his feelings towards Yin had changed greatly and it made him uneasy. He felt like Yin probed into his fortress. The alarm in his mind has been blaring yet his heart didn't think of Yin as a threat. With the confusion and the mess in his mind, War unintentionally avoiding Yin.

They'd finished the design process and the final design got approved in the presentation so War hadn't been coming to Yin's company. Today he couldn't escape meeting Yin as they were supposed to go down the site for inspection.

"Good morning", Yin with his usual fresh smile greeted War once he entered the museum area.

"M-morning", for some reason War felt self conscious and couldn't look at Yin's eyes.

War silently cursed in his head, hoping Yin wouldn't pick up the awkward act but seemed like the day wasn't for War. He kept acting awkward and self conscious around Yin that Yin eventually noticed. The worry started to show on his handsome face and War knew he was screwed if Yin asked what happened. He wouldn't be able to answer then.

"Hey War, I-", Yin approached War when they're done with their work.

"Do you wanna go hang out?", War quickly cut off Yin's approach with a suggestion.

Yin, being confused with the sudden offer is completely understandable.

"There's this café close to the outskirts of the city where they can stargaze that I wanna check out..."

Smiling albeit feeling a little lost with War's sudden invitation, Yin nodded and led War out. Yin was worried that the things didn't go well with War's dad as he hadn't gotten any update both from War and his dad. However, it might not be the case so he eased his worry filled mind a little bit. Yin knew War needed to let out something and he just needed to wait until the times right.

"We're here", Yin announced once his car was safely parked.

The view from the parking lot was already breath taking with a few minutes before the sun set, War was glad it was bright outside so he could sit on the balcony as Yin going to the counter to order both of them something.

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