18 - My Past, Present and Future

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War determined to make Yin his as soon as possible. Yin, who successfully destroyed his fortress, and who had been so patient and understanding despite War's trauma holding him back, had been with him through the important changes these past few months. Yin, whom he loves so much and wouldn't want to live without. War knew that he had to express his feelings to Yin because that's what he deserved. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Yin and make him feel loved every day.

War planned everything ahead. He did his research and asked questions, even going as far as doing a survey on his own. He has the whole day to impress Yin. Started with visiting a gallery that Yin had been wanting to see all week.

It was an avant garde artist who used technology in their artwork. Yin was curious to see the exhibition, but he hasn't had the time. After that, they had a little art workshop experience for ceramic arts that the gallery also happened to hold in the same building. It was more of War's interest, but he thought it might be fun for anyone who tries art for the first time.

It was going great, as War planned. He enjoyed seeing Yin look so excited while scouring the whole exhibit, asking questions, and showing War art pieces that he found interesting. Then, War got to show off a little when they were doing ceramic arts.

Yin wasn't surprised by War's skill in art, but it still amazed him how easily his hands worked the brush to give some color to blank ceramic. Then, they continued by having lunch in the rooftop cafe that overlooks the city skyline. The view was breathtaking, and they both enjoyed their meals while discussing the art they had just seen and the ceramic pieces they had created. It was a perfect day out for Yin and War, who both appreciated the beauty of art in different ways.

Then it started going downhill.

For the closing, War has planned a little dinner under the stars at the cafe on the hill. They offered a space for outdoor stargazing and a special menu for the occasion. It was about an hour's drive from Bangkok, and by the time they arrived, the sun would've been starting to set. War reserved a spot that would guarantee that view.

Then he planned to properly confess and ask Yin to be his boyfriend. Call him cheesy, but War knew Yin was a romantic person, and he wanted it to be memorable. Of course, he'd be over the moon if Yin said yes.

However, halfway to the destination, the sky gradually turned gray, indicating an incoming storm. War was getting even more restless the more they went up the hill, and as he dreaded, the heavy rain started to fall as they arrived at the cafe.

War heart sank, but the universe decided it wasn't done yet. The cafe was so full because it was the weekend that the waiters couldn't even give them a decent spot inside while the storm was ravaging outside.

So, not being able to drive back because of the storm but having no spot to eat, both of them ended up having to sit outside, not quite protected from the wind but with enough shading that they didn't get soaked from the rain.

There goes War's plan for romantic confession, and he visibly looked more and more down the more they sat there. Yin, being Yin, of course didn't miss how War's mood was gradually turning sour. He smiled while his eyes were still on the smaller man and scooted closer.

"Hmm? Are you cold?", War asked him, worried in his eyes.

Yin shook his head.

War might not realize this, but Yin looked at War like he was holding thousands of stars in his night sky. A playful smirk made its way onto his handsome face, which War noticed.

"What?", War said, his worries of not being able to confess the way he wanted to replaced with worries that Yin might do something mischievous.

"Let's play under the rain", Yin said, dead serious.

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