16 - Abducted

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3 Days Later

Prat had been eyeing War with obvious worry in his eyes. It's been near three days since the Friday when War went to see Yin so they could end the fake-boyfriend contract. He didn't hear from War on the weekend after that then when he clocked in this Morning he kinda surprised to see War looking more rugged than his usual self.

Way more rugged, like he hadn't had enough sleep. At first Prat thought he missed his morning coffee but he brought one with him when he walked in. So, Prat went to ask and his boss only said

"Rough weekend, I'm fine tho"

Prat didn't buy it because he obviously wasn't fine.

War was being way clumsier, he spilled his coffee this morning all over his desk. Then he dropped the stack of blue prints he'd need for pitching presentation this evening, if it's not bad enough, he forgot where he located the original file that he needed to re-print the damaged drawings. Though, War power through his project presentation and got it down flawlessly like usual, Prat could see he looked way more exhausted after.

"War, just go home, I'll sort the documents for tomorrow's project pitching", Prat finally said after he saw War tripped thrice while walking around his office collecting documents.

"But the mo-"

"I'll see the progress myself and make sure the model is finished by tomorrow morning", Prat cut him off, desperately trying to persuade his boss to just go home.

War glanced at the clock, it was only a little past 6 in the evening, then he sighed. He kinda need that rest, he's not going to lie.

"Okay, I guess I'll head out", War said sounding relieved.

"Drive safely okay, text me when you get home", Prat sounded like a worried mother at this point.

"Yeah yeah", War said while gathering his stuffs, "Thanks Prat"

War was aware that Prat was worried for him, even he couldn't deny that he's behaving weird today. He's in turmoil. He had spent the last two days coping in his apartment, doing nothing but sleeping, eating and drinking.

Lots of drinking.

He also had been trying to convince himself that he did the right thing to end things with Yin before it's too late. He had lost count of how many times he repeated the words 'I've done the right thing' to himself, desperately trying to convince himself that he'd done the right thing to let go of Yin.

Just thinking about it made his heart contract painfully. The thought about him having to face Yin later in future projects and pretending nothing happened between them would be a torture. Both for him and Yin.

"Pfft", War scoffed bitterly while sitting in his car.

"The right person on the wrong fucking time, I truly have the worst luck huh?"


A week later

War won the pitching of the projects he was sure he'd screw over. His agency will be in charge of the development next months. Of course he would, his works was never disappointing even when he was in a turmoil. However it's true that he's been feeling better and slowly coming back to his usual self, or he's gotten better masking his broken heart syndrome. Either way, he had stopped acting like a danger hazard for himself and it made Prat feel relieved.

War glanced at his watch, it shows a little past ten and sighed to himself. He had a meeting with a client in the cafe close to his office and had chosen to walk instead of taking his car because looking for a spot to park is troublesome . He just didn't think the meeting would ran this long.

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