8 - The Wedding : The Past and The Present

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The sun crept between the closed curtains, signaling the day had come to anew start. War opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. The sound of the waves welcomed his morning and he realized he wasn't in his apartment.

'Right, I'm in Krabi'

He stretched while glancing at the bedside clock. It was still 8 in the morning, he remembered the second day itinerary started at 10, so he got some time to freshen up and get breakfast. With a yawn, War turned to his left and almost jumped out of the bed when he came face to face with Yin. The man was still asleep and War was grateful the little surprised noise he let out didn't wake him up

War also forgot that he's sharing a bed with Yin. His mind came back to their conversation last night and remembered that their relationship had gotten upgraded from enemies to friends. For some reason that made a prominent flush appear on War's dimpled cheek.

It was probably the relaxed atmosphere of early morning plus War's mind still fogged up with sleepiness that he ended up staring at Yin's face. War knew Yin is handsome but it's a whole another meaning of handsome seeing him up close like this. He understood why people often call him the god of computer engineering back when they were in college, he truly lived up to his reputation.

War soaked in every little detail on Yin's face and then his eyes dropped to his chestnut lips. War heard rumors, don't ask why he even got the information but, he heard rumors. That Yin's a very good kisser. He's the type that can shut you up and make you forget when he's got you in his arms. War didn't know if the rumors was true or just started from wild imagination turned to rumors by people who want a taste of those lips, but his sleepy mind ended up wondering about it too.

Realizing he's been staring (and thinking of kissing Yin but he blamed it on his half asleep mind), he told himself, he should stop before Yin woke up and found him staring. War sat up and trying to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes before finally going to the bathroom to freshen up. When he was totally awake after washing his face, he came back to a very sleepy Yin, sitting up with his eyes still closed. The sight was so amusing that War sneakily tip toed to the bedside table, took his phone and snapped a picture. The giggle War let out made Yin finally opening his eyes.

"What's so funny?", Yin said, voice still heavy with sleep.

"Nothing", War tried to control his laugh, "Go wash your face, I wanna get breakfast"

"And why couldn't you go by yourself?", Yin asked, while rubbing his face.

War who was scrolling through his phone to check the schedule looked up with a 'duh' look, "It's a 'boyfriend' duty Anan, or are you the type to let your lovers wander around by themselves huh?"

Yin raised his eyebrows after what War said. At the start of their pretend relationship, War only use the words 'boyfriend' exclusively when people asked about it, which Yin could count with his fingers, but nowadays, War had gotten pretty loose and even using it when it's just the two of them.

"Okay," Yin got up, a smirk never left when he passed by War and whispered into his ears.

"As you wish kitten"


"Oh! here they come, hia Yin, come sit!", Nino who was sitting with War's parents for breakfast patted the seat next to him.

"You love my boyfriend more than you love me!", War sat down beside Yin's empty seat while the taller took two plates and made his way to the buffet.

"Hia Yin is cooler than you", Nino pushed his glasses up, turning to War.

War pinched his little brother's cheek and making him whine, "You little brat"

"Anyways", War said after he was satisfied bullying his little brother, "Where's P'Ming?"

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