If you were hurt by Vanny

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When I mean, he was pIssed, I mean HE WAS PISSED.
He comforted you because being chased down by Vanny and slashed by the knife, is quite dramatic.
Once you're stable enough to be left alone, he leaves and goes out to find her. Vanny came out with quite a few injuries.

Montgomery 💚❤️

He will try to bandage you up, but you'll have to take over eventually because he's kinda dumb when he comes to this.
Once you're done, he leaves and tracks down Vanny- Vanny is now scarred and will never go near Monty Golf again.


He's so worried but tries to be optimistic to hide his worry. He bandaged you up and got you snacks, soon he let you rest and watched over you just in case something happened.


Vanny wouldn't touch you, she's slightly scared of Moon because of how disturbing he is.
But the odd chance it happened- he helped you get bandaged and went to go track down Vanny.
Vanny now tries to avoid you at all cost.


Meer would get you to a doctor or someone who knows how to do first aid. Once you're in safe hands and back to normal, she becomes slightly more protective.

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