If you were to be dismantled/discontinue to operate [REQUESTED]

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He was doing a show as usual but when he finished he walked back to your room.
He knew you were in there so he knocked but got no response 'Strange...' he thought.
You never not respond to a knock, 'maybe you're charging?' He thought nervously. He finally just sucked it up and opened your room door.

Your room was empty and deserted, which confused Freddy great- you said you'd be in here after his show so why didn't you message or call him about it?
He went towards the big mechanic door connecting the charging room from the regular room.
He didn't know why but he felt this pit of dread.

The door opened and nothing seemed different, it was just a normal charging room. He walked around the corner to normally see the charging pod and yes it was there, but his mechanical heart dropped when he saw you slouched down in the pod- the blue light flickering red.
He panicked as he tried to pull the door off but it didn't work, he broke the call and pulled you out.
He was crying big globs of oily tears at this point, he carried you out of the dark room and sat you on the sofa.

He had called multiple people for help but they won't come yet, he was so scared.
He watched as you limp body laid lifeless and that's what Freddy was terrified of.
Mechanics soon arrived and took you to the repair room...

Hours went back and Freddy hasn't heard anything, every time he slept he had a nightmare and every time he stayed awake he would just cry.

Finally a mechanic came in "Freddy? I'm sorry for what I'm about to say but- 'oh no oh no!' -Y/N won't be turning back on... indefinitely'
"What? What do you mean?' He said as more tears poured out of his sockets-
"Y/N's charging pos had a severe malfunction and once they stepped into it and sealed- it decommissioned them... permanently"
"Yes... and no one's willing to replace her because her memory chip was erased"

Freddy just stopped listening after that and fell to his knees, crying in more oily tears.
He couldn't handle the thought of losing you and being without you, he loved you- and didn't even get to say it...


He was patrolling for Gregory at the stage, you hated why Montgomery was doing this but he tried to keep all of this out of your relationship.

Soon, he heard a scream- he recognised that scream and looked over to see you on the upper floor, being dismantled by security bots controlled by Vanny.
His eyes welled up with oily tears as he screamed for them to stop, but they didn't.

Matter of minutes late, the security bots were done. And you were left with a puddle of oil surrounding your lifeless body.
Montgomery kneeling beside you, crying his eyes out.


He was waiting for you to get back from your tasks, you said you'd be back in a few minutes but it's been almost an hour.
He was worried sick and was about to run out to find you but before he was going to walk over- you stumbled in, breathing heavy and shaking.
"Love?! Are you ok!?" He said in grave concern as you stumbled over and landed on the plush floor.

He knelt never to you and tried to get you to look at him, but still- nothing. You refused to look anywhere else from where your eyes dropped and swayed.
Tears were welling up in his eyes when he noticed your shaky breathing become less frequent.
He pulled you up and into a hug, trying so desperately to get a reaction out of you- but still, you remained limp as a leaf.

His heart felt heavy as you started to leak tears out of your eyes.

He began to cry and sob as you only let out a breath every minute or so, which soon developed into nothing. You slowly faded as you body went fully limp and put all your weight onto Sun.
"Y/N! Wake up..." he sobbed as he cradled your lifeless body in the play area, wishing he could've stopped you from going to do those tasks.


It was his fault. It was all his fault.

You were currently running from Roxy, who was alerted by Moon. He did it on accident but still refused to save you.
You ran as fast as you could but you couldn't run forever, you know what this would come to. You had these knowingness of death slowly withering in on you but still you tried to outrun it- but no one ever does in the end.

Roxy was gaining on you and fast, you didn't feel scared much anymore- you felt at peace, like you realised what was going to happen before it did, but you still couldn't have stopped Roxy from leaping forward. Grabbing you and bringing you to the cold floor-

Moon was thinking you were fine the whole time, until he walked into the room you were in and found your ripped apart corpse. Laying in a pool of your own blood.


"It was an accident... I promise..."

That phrase echoed in her head as she looked at your limp corpse from the high stage.

It was a concert and you two were doing your thing, the platform you two were on started to lift up.
You two continued until it got to a part where you were meant to kick in the air. But Meer kicked to hard and kicked your leg with her metal hoove. You screeched in pain as you stepped back to try and put distance between you two.

You stepped back too far and fell off the platform, normal you'd survived the fall but the dance props at the bottom had pierced and damaged your spinal cord.
You falling from Meers aggressive dance technique was normal but it was in practice, this wasn't... it was worse.

Your spinal cord connected all your memory chips and battery charges together and with those gone, you were just a lifeless shell.
Your body laid at the bottom of the platform as everyone gasped and screamed in panic and shock.
Meer looking over the edge at your body, small tears dripping down her face.
You were gone and all those memories were gone along with it.

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